Aksi BEPS: Menangkal Penggerusan Basis Pajak

Aksi BEPS: Menangkal Penggerusan Basis Pajak

Inside Tax Edisi 38 - Aksi BEPS: Menangkal Penggerusan Basis Pajak

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15 Actions have been brought forth by the Organisation for Economic Co-ordination and Development (OECD) and G20 to prevent the practice of aggressive tax planning which erodes the tax base in a country. This practice is known as Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS). What is BEPS? Then, what is the content of those 15 BEPS preventive Actions? What about the issues and challenges that will be faced by countries? What strategies are required to overcome them? Discover the complete answer in this BEPS 2016 headline rubric below.

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Inside Tax Edisi 38 - Aksi BEPS: Menangkal Penggerusan Basis Pajak

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15 Actions have been brought forth by the Organisation for Economic Co-ordination and Development (OECD) and G20 to prevent the practice of aggressive tax planning which erodes the tax base in a country. This practice is known as Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS). What is BEPS? Then, what is the content of those 15 BEPS preventive Actions? What about the issues and challenges that will be faced by countries? What strategies are required to overcome them? Discover the complete answer in this BEPS 2016 headline rubric below.

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