Government Releases Derivative Regulations on the Taxation Cluster of Job Creation Law and Incentive Policies for Cooperatives and MSMEs

Government Releases Derivative Regulations on the Taxation Cluster of Job Creation Law and Incentive Policies for Cooperatives and MSMEs

Newsletter - Government Releases Derivative Regulations on the Taxation Cluster of Job Creation Law and Incentive Policies for Cooperatives and MSMEs

DDTC Newsletter Vol.05 | No.03

26 February 2021

Total Downloads 1548

The government has recently released various new tax regulations, ranging from the derivative regulations of the ease of doing business cluster in the taxation sector of Job Creation Law and incentive policies to promote the development of cooperatives and MSMEs. The government has also released a technical regulation related to provisions on Taxable Persons for VAT Purposes required to produce withholding tax receipt and file Unification Periodic Income Tax Returns.

Moreover, this edition reviews other regulations, including the tax treatment of transactions by the investment management institution and/or entities it owns, local taxes and retributions policies, guidelines for the adjustments of trial proceedings and other administrative services in tax courts, and other new regulations.


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Newsletter - Government Releases Derivative Regulations on the Taxation Cluster of Job Creation Law and Incentive Policies for Cooperatives and MSMEs

DDTC Newsletter Vol.05 | No.03

26 February 2021

Total Downloads 1548

The government has recently released various new tax regulations, ranging from the derivative regulations of the ease of doing business cluster in the taxation sector of Job Creation Law and incentive policies to promote the development of cooperatives and MSMEs. The government has also released a technical regulation related to provisions on Taxable Persons for VAT Purposes required to produce withholding tax receipt and file Unification Periodic Income Tax Returns.

Moreover, this edition reviews other regulations, including the tax treatment of transactions by the investment management institution and/or entities it owns, local taxes and retributions policies, guidelines for the adjustments of trial proceedings and other administrative services in tax courts, and other new regulations.


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