Implementation of the DGT's Vertical Agency Reorganization, What has Changed?

Implementation of the DGT’s Vertical Agency Reorganization, What has Changed?

Implementation of the DGT’s Vertical Agency Reorganization, What has Changed?

DDTC Newsletter Vol.05 | No.09

21 May 2021

Total Downloads 1558

The’s DGT vertical agency reorganization is underway. A set of regulations have been issued, including a special circular that serves as the guidelines in the implementation of the DGT’s vertical reorganization. On another note, two decrees outlining changes in the details of taxpayers transferred from or to Medium Tax Offices have been released. Within the last two weeks, the government has also released regulations concerning changes, duties, requirements, and the number of account representatives (AR) at the Tax Offices, procedures for risk-based business licensing services, and application for investment fiscal facilities through the OSS system, and recommendations on the granting of local tax incentives on motor vehicles.


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Implementation of the DGT’s Vertical Agency Reorganization, What has Changed?

DDTC Newsletter Vol.05 | No.09

21 May 2021

Total Downloads 1558

The’s DGT vertical agency reorganization is underway. A set of regulations have been issued, including a special circular that serves as the guidelines in the implementation of the DGT’s vertical reorganization. On another note, two decrees outlining changes in the details of taxpayers transferred from or to Medium Tax Offices have been released. Within the last two weeks, the government has also released regulations concerning changes, duties, requirements, and the number of account representatives (AR) at the Tax Offices, procedures for risk-based business licensing services, and application for investment fiscal facilities through the OSS system, and recommendations on the granting of local tax incentives on motor vehicles.


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