Tax Advisory, Structuring and Facility Support

Tax Advisory, Structuring and Facility Support

Tax Advisory, Structuring and Facility Support

We will assist you in comprehending tax regulations which apply to your business, and provide strategies which will support the innovation and growth of your business.

The services we are able to provide comprise:

  • Independent Tax Opinion (Tax Analysis):

    Lack of guidelines in interpreting tax regulations in Indonesia has the potential to result in tax risks. To minimize such risk, we will assist you in compiling taxation opinion (taxation analysis). Our analysis is conducted in accordance with strict research procedures, and supported by databases originating from Tax Court Verdict and Supreme Court Verdict which have been comprehensively compiled and codified.

  • Tax Structuring and Planning:

    To ensure alignment with the changes in corporate restructuring and to optimise tax effect in structuring the transactions, it is advisable to review the tax law related consequences of any decisions and consider all tax efficient strategies to obtain those results. We provide reliable and innovative solutions required to maximise our clients’ value which enables them to accomplish the best possible outcome through our tax structuring and planning advisory. Our tax structuring and planning advisory is tailored to the client and fine-tuned to the precise needs of their business.

  • Tax Facility Support:

    To attract capital investment in Indonesia, the Government offers various tax facilities for taxpayers who are doing business in certain industries and/or certain regions. We can assist your company through drafting the application, preparing all requirements including lodging the facilities application to the authority. With our knowledge and experience, we are able to provide you strategies to overcome various obstacles that may arise in the process of obtaining the tax facilities.

  • Private Ruling Application Support:

    Like many other areas of the law, tax law is complex, extensive, ambigous, uncertain, and vague in many cases. The ambiguities may arise in defining the precise meaning of the statutory language, or the application of law to specific factual situation, or the type of evidence sufficient to establish necessary facts. This is create an uncertain tax consequences for taxpayers. A private ruling is generally acknowledged as an expression of the tax authority’s opinion concerning the way in which a relevant provision applies or would apply to a taxpayer, and as such allow taxpayer to achieve certainty. We provide a private ruling application support by providing pre-ruling discussion with applicants, consultation on necessary information, drafting the application, and submission to the tax authority, and monitoring progress of the application.

Email inquiry: [email protected]   
Whatsapp inquiry: +628111887812

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Tax Advisory, Structuring and Facility Support

We will assist you in comprehending tax regulations which apply to your business, and provide strategies which will support the innovation and growth of your business.

The services we are able to provide comprise:

  • Independent Tax Opinion (Tax Analysis):
    Lack of guidelines in interpreting tax regulations in Indonesia has the potential to result in tax risks. To minimize such risk, we will assist you in compiling taxation opinion (taxation analysis). Our analysis is conducted in accordance with strict research procedures, and supported by databases originating from Tax Court Verdict and Supreme Court Verdict which have been comprehensively compiled and codified.
  • Tax Structuring and Planning:
    To ensure alignment with the changes in corporate restructuring and to optimise tax effect in structuring the transactions, it is advisable to review the tax law related consequences of any decisions and consider all tax efficient strategies to obtain those results. We provide reliable and innovative solutions required to maximise our clients’ value which enables them the accomplish the best possible outcome through our tax structuring and planning advisory. Our tax structuring and planning advisory is tailored to the client and fine-tuned to the precise needs of their business.
  • Tax Facility Support:
    To attract capital investment in Indonesia, the Government offers various tax facilities for taxpayers who are doing business in certain industries and/or certain regions. We can assist your company by preparation of all requirements including accompany in lodging the facilities application to the Government. With our knowledge and experience, we are able to provide you strategies to overcome various obstacles that may arise in the process of obtaining the tax facilities.
  • Private Ruling Application Support:
    Like many other areas of the law, tax law is complex, extensive, ambigous, uncertain, and vague in many cases. The possible ambiguities concerning the precise meaning of statutory language, or the application of law to specific factual situation, or the type of evidence sufficient to establish necessary facts create uncertain tax consequences for taxpayers. A private ruling is generally acknowledged as an expression of the tax authority’s opinion concerning the way in which a relevant provision applies or would apply to a taxpayer, and as such allow taxpayer to achieve certainty. We provide a private ruling application support by providing pre-ruling discussion with applicants, consultation on necessary information, drafting the application, and submission to the tax authority, and monitoring progress of the application.

Email inquiry: [email protected]   
Whatsapp inquiry: +628111887812

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