Akses Data Perbankan Untuk Tujuan Perpajakan: Keseimbangan Antara Hak-Hak Wajib Pajak Dan Penggalian Potensi Pajak Studi Komparasi
Working Paper
Akses Data Perbankan Untuk Tujuan Perpajakan: Keseimbangan Antara Hak-Hak Wajib Pajak Dan Penggalian Potensi Pajak Studi Komparasi
This paper will attempt to study the subject of bank secrecy and its potential to avoid paying tax obligations illegally .By conducting comparative study of domestic conditions in 37 countries related to banking secrecy, what constitutes the best practices that occur globally is identified. At the end of this study a policy recommendation for Indonesia is provided
Released Date
26 February 2014
Bahasa Indonesia