DDTC Indonesian Tax Manual 2024 - English Version
The DDTC Indonesian Tax Manual 2024 book is present as practical guidelines for a diverse array of stakeholders in the taxation sector. Delivered in Indonesian and English, this book summarises Indonesia’s dynamic and intricate statutory tax provisions in a straightforward manner.
This book encompasses a broad range of tax aspects, ranging from national, international to sub-national levels. The topics cover general provisions and tax procedures, income tax, value added tax, sales tax on luxury goods, international tax, transfer pricing, customs and excise, stamp duty, local taxes, carbon tax as well as the latest developments in the tax sector.
In keeping with the development of the dynamics of the Indonesian tax landscape, DDTC periodically updates this book. The ultimate goal is to provide practical guidelines in respect of complex statutory tax provisions rendering more concise and comprehensible understanding for all society groups. DDTC Indonesian Tax Manual 2024 book is expected to serve as guidelines for those aspiring to delve into Indonesia’s statutory tax provisions.