Cover Era Baru Hubungan Otoritas Pajak Dengan Wajib Pajak
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Era Baru Hubungan Otoritas Pajak Dengan Wajib Pajak


Era Baru Hubungan Otoritas Pajak Dengan Wajib Pajak

This book contains the writer's ideas about how the relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers should be built. Departing from the deep-rooted problems in the tax system, the author discusses how relationships that are built based on trust, openness, participation, and technology which are the key to solve these problems.

Approaching a new era, the authors describe a new paradigm that needs to be owned by stakeholders in the tax system. In addition, the author explains how the tax system needs to be built in the corridor of these relationship.

The author of this book has the competence, experience, and education in the field of taxation from well-known institutions abroad. Thus, this book is expected to be a reference for tax authorities, fiscal policy makers, academician, business party, and consultants also practitioners.

Released Date
30 August 2019
Bahasa Indonesia