Observing the New Policies in the Harmonization of Tax Regulations Law

Observing the New Policies in the Harmonization of Tax Regulations Law
Cover Observing the New Policies in the Harmonization of Tax Regulations Law

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Observing the New Policies in the Harmonization of Tax Regulations Law

The Tax Regulation Harmonization (HPP) Law has just been passed by the House of Representatives. The HPP Law revises 6 laws in the field of taxation. The new policies in the HPP Law are comprehensively overviewed in this edition of the newsletter. Within the last two weeks, the government has also issued various new regulations, including an implementing regulation on mutual agreement procedure (MAP), a technical regulation on tax application service providers, provisions on the use of stamp duties, and other new regulations. All are engagingly discussed in this issue.




Released Date

08 October 2021





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