Cover Panduan Insentif Perpajakan di Indonesia 2024
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Panduan Insentif Perpajakan di Indonesia 2024


Panduan Insentif Perpajakan di Indonesia 2024

The vast array of tax incentive packages in Indonesia does not, in reality, correspond to the actual use of incentives by taxpayers. This may be due to a multitude of factors, inter alia the lack of socialisation of tax incentives to taxpayers. The information in this socialisation comprises the requirements for the utilisation and the flow of the application for tax incentives.


To put all available tax incentives for taxpayers in a nutshell, the book titled Panduan Insentif Perpajakan di Indonesia 2024 is presented as a means to encourage proficiency in the flow of the use of tax incentives in a comprehensive manner.


Delivered in 5 (five) parts, ranging from income taxes, value added tax and sales tax on luxury goods, import duties, land and building tax and Nusantara Capital (IKN), this book encompasses more than 90 tax incentives which are thoroughly scrutinised in this book.


This book outlines the guidelines for the application for the use of tax incentives pursuant to statutory tax provisions. By incorporating concise and simple language, the explanation in this book is expected to be apprehensible. Reviewed systematically, this book may serve as a reference for various groups, in particular, business people, consultants, practitioners and academics.

Released Date
July 2024
Bahasa Indonesia