Provisions on Tax Rights and Obligations of Mining License Holders and Changes to Bonded Zones
Provisions on Tax Rights and Obligations of Mining License Holders and Changes to Bonded Zones
Provisions on Tax Rights and Obligations of Mining License Holders and Changes to Bonded Zones
The government has recently released a new regulation concerning tax rights and obligations of mining business license holders and amended the provisions on bonded zones. On another note, new provisions on the deduction of gross income for the exemption of donations and costs for social infrastructure development, the reference interest rates for tax administrative penalties, as well as the temporary suspension of face-to-face administrative services at the Tax Court. All of these issues will be reviewed in this week's edition of the newsletter.
- Tax Rights and Obligations of Taxpayers in the Mineral Mining Business Sector
- Changes to Provisions on Bonded Zones
- Deduction of Gross Income for the Exemption of Donations and Costs of Social Infrastructure Development
- July 2021 Interest Penalties and Compensation Interest Rates
- Postponement of Trial Proceedings and Temporary Suspension of Face-to-Face Services at the Tax Court (21-25 June 2021)
- Postponement of Trial Proceedings and Temporary Suspension of Face-to-Face Services at the Tax Court (28 June to 2 July 2021)
- Changes in Tariffs of Plantation Fund Levies on Palm Oil Exports
Released Date
02 July 2021