Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional (Edisi Kedua - Vol 2)

Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional (Edisi Kedua - Vol 2)
Cover Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional (Edisi Kedua - Vol 2)

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Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional (Edisi Kedua - Vol 2)

The second edition of the two-volume book focuses on providing a thorough, up-to-date and in-depth overview of transfer pricing issues for special transaction schemes, corporate strategies in transfer pricing, procedural and legal aspects as well as contemporary reflections and developments. The understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles in transfer pricing analysis is available in the second edition of the first volume of the book.

Not only has the international taxation landscape continued to evolve, but Indonesian transfer pricing provisions have also been significantly updated since 2010. Various levels of tax regulations in Indonesia have begun to clarify the stages and provisions to be considered in conducting transfer pricing analysis and preparing transfer pricing documentation.

In addition, tax regulations in Indonesia also highlight specific provisions in respect of special transactions in transfer pricing. This book, therefore, also discusses important parts of the tax regulations stipulating transfer pricing provisions in Indonesia, which of course are essential for interested parties.

This book is compiled from various literature, the results of interactions with practitioners and academics with recognised expertise as well as the authors; on-field experience in transfer pricing practices. This book, therefore, may be used as a reference for various groups, ranging from business people, tax authorities, tax courts, tax consultants, and academicians.



Released Date

March 2023


Bahasa Indonesia



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