Page 2 - Newsletter (Technical Rules for Super Tax Deduction on Vocational Activities Released)
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DDTC Newsletter Vol.02 |  No.05  I  September 2019                                          Page 2 of 5

          Technical Rules for Super Tax Deduction on Vocational
          Activities Released

          Technical  Rules for  Super  Tax                     A  total  of  268  competencies  are  spread  across  several
          Deduction Facility  on Vocational                    sectors,  namely  manufacturing  (124  competencies),
          Activities                                           competencies),  tourism  and  creative  industries  (26
                                                               competencies), and digital economy (23 competencies).
          Ministry  of  Finance  has  published  technical  regulation
          regarding  the  provision  of  super  tax  deduction  facility   Third, vocational training center  for  individuals and
          for  taxpayer  who  performed  vocational  activity.  That   trainees,  instructors,  and/or  coaching  staff.  There  are
          policy is stated in Minister of Finance Regulation (MoF   58  types  of  competencies  in  this  group.  A  number  of
          Reg) No. 128/PMK.03/2019 concerning The Provision of   competencies are spread across several sectors, namely
          Gross Income Reduction for the Implementation of Work   manufacturing  (19  competencies),  agribusiness  (15
          Practices, Apprenticeship, and/or Learning Activities in   competencies),  tourism  and  creative  industries  (13
          the Framework of Coaching and Development of Human   competencies),  digital  economy  (7  competencies),  and
          Resources Based on Certain Competencies.             migrant workers (4 competencies).

          This  rule is  a technical guidance of  Government   Work  practices  or  apprenticeship  are  activities
          Regulation No. 45 of 2019 which was published early last   performed by taxpayers in the place of business as part
          July. According to the regulation, taxpayers can be given   of the vocational or vocational education curriculum in
          a maximum gross income reduction of 200% of the total   order to master the skills or expertise of certain fields.
          costs incurred for work practices, apprenticeship, and/or
          learning activities.                                 Meanwhile, learning activities are teaching activities
                                                               performed by parties assigned by taxpayers to teach in
          However, to get most of these incentives, taxpayers must   vocational schools, vocational  madrasa  aliyah,  tertiary
          meet several provisions. First, they must have performed   diploma  programs  in  vocational  education,  and/or
          practical work activities, apprenticeship, and/or learning   vocational training center.
          in  the  context  of  coaching  and  developing  human
                                                               Local Fiscal Capacity Has Stagnated in
          resources based on certain competencies.
                                                               the Last 3 Years
          Second, have a cooperation agreement, namely between
          the  taxpayer  and  vocational  high  school,  vocational
          ‘madrasa aliyah’  (Islamic  school),  vocational  education   The government has recently released MoF Reg No. 126/
          diploma program, vocational training center, or agencies   PMK.01/2019 concerning Local Fiscal Capacity Map. local
          that perform government affairs in the field of central,   fiscal capacity map is an overviewof the local financial
          provincial, and regency/city employment.             capacity grouped based on the local fiscal capacity index
                                                               (Indeks Kapasitas Fiskal Daerah/IKFD).
          Third,  not  in  a  state  of  fiscal  loss  in  the  fiscal  year  for
          the  use  of  additional  gross  income  reduction.  Fourth,   MoF Reg No. 126/2019 defines the local fiscal capacity
          has  submitted  a  tax  clearance  certificate,  which  is  a   as the financial capacity of each region which is reflected
          statement from the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT)   through local government revenue minus the revenue for
          regarding tax compliance for a certain period to meet the   which  the  allocation  has  been  determined  (earmarked
          requirements for obtaining services or in the context of
                                                               revenue) and certain expenditure.
          performing certain activities.
                                                               The local fiscal capacity map can be used for consideration
          The  government  divides  competency  levels  into  three
                                                               in determining the area of grant recipients, determining
          groups.  First, vocational  high school and or vocational
                                                               the amount of matching funds by the local government
          madrasa aliyah for students, educators, and/or education
                                                               if  required,  and/or  other  uutilization  in  accordance
          personnel. In this group, there are a total of 127 types of
                                                               with statutory provisions. The local fiscal capacity map
          competencies that can receive facilities. The number is
                                                               consists  of  maps  of  provincial  and  regency/city  local
          spread in the manufacturing sector (73 competencies),
                                                               fiscal capacity.
          health (7 competencies), agribusiness (30 competencies),
          and tourism and creative industries (7 competencies).
                                                               Referring to MoF Reg No. 126/2019, components of local
                                                               government revenue include  local  own-source revenue
          Second, college diploma programs on vocational programs
          for students, educators, and/or education personnel. In   (Pendapatan Asli Daerah/PAD), balance funds, and other
          this group, there are a total of 268 specific competencies   lawful revenues.
          that can utilize the super tax deduction incentive.
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