Page 3 - Newsletter (The Revocation of Treasurer’s Taxpayer Identification Number and VAT Policy on Textbooks)
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DDTC Newsletter Vol.03 |  No.03  I  February 2020                                           Page 3 of 5

          The Revocation of Treasurer’s Taxpayer Identification
          Number and VAT Policy on Textbooks

          SLTGs  on  the  abovementioned  seven  transactions,  the   which are exempt from VAT imposition remain the same
          regulation does not abrogate the VAT/SLTGs payable as   compared to the previous regulation.
          the obligation to collect, remit, and report on the seven
          transactions is now lies on the PKP as the government’s   The Confirmation of Input Tax Credit
                                                                in Dissimilar Taxable periods
          VAT Exemptions on the Imports  of
          General  Textbooks,  Scriptures,  and                 The  Director  General  of  Taxes  (DGT)  has  issued  the
                                                                Director  General  of  Taxes  Circular  No.  SE-02/PJ/2020
          Religious Textbooks                                   on the input tax credit in dissimilar taxable periods. The
                                                                DGT issued this circular due to inconsistency in the input
                                                                tax credit treatment in dissimilar taxable periods. This
          The  government has issued  a regulation  concerning
                                                                circular is, thus, intended to affirm the provisions thereof.
          VAT  exemptions  on  the  supply  of  general  textbooks,
          scriptures, and religious textbooks. Moreover, individuals
                                                                The circular outlines that the input tax in a taxable period
          or entities that import and/or supply general textbooks,
                                                                is  credited  against  the  output  tax  in  the  same  period.
          scriptures, and religious textbooks are exempt from VAT.
                                                                However, a tax credit that may be credited, but is not yet
                                                                credited, may be credited in the following taxable period
          The  policy  is  outlined  in  the  Minister  of  Finance   no later than three months after the end of the taxable
          Regulation  Number  5/PMK.010/2020  concerning  the   period in question.
          General Textbooks, Scriptures, and Religious Textbooks
          of  which  the  Import  and/or  Supply  are  Exempt  from   In  the  event  that  the  three-month  period  has  been
          Value Added Tax (PMK No. 5/2020).                     exceeded,  the  input  tax  may  still  be  credited  through
                                                                the correction of the Periodic Value Added Tax Return.
          The  previous  regulation,  MoF  Regulation  No.  122/  Further,  this  input  tax  credit  provision  applies  to  the
          PMK.011/2013,  stipulated  several  types  of  books   input tax specified in specific documents deemed equal
          exempt from VAT after an individual or entity acquired   to invoices.
          VAT  Exemption  Certificate  (Surat  Keterangan  Bebas/
                                                                Input tax credit during these dissimilar taxable periods,
          SKB)  issued  by  the  Director  General  of  Taxes.  Upon
                                                                however,  is  only  possible  if  the  input  tax  has  not
          the enactment  of  MoF  Reg.  No.  5/2020,  MoF  Reg.  No.
                                                                been  recorded  as  an  expense  or  has  not  been  added
          122/2013 shall be revoked and declared not valid.
                                                                (capitalized) in the accounting cost of the taxable goods
                                                                or  services  taxable  and  the  taxable  person  for  VAT
          The  regulation  asserts  that  the  books  refer  to  papers
                                                                purposes has not been audited.
          and/or  pictures  published  in  the  form  of  printed
          copies or electronic publications that are not published   Tax Arrears Quality Classification
          periodically. The VAT exemption policy aims to improve
          national  education  and  intelligence  by  providing
          affordable books and scriptures for society.          The  Director  General  of  Taxes  has  recently  issued  a
                                                                regulation  governing  the  classification  of  tax  arrears
          General  books that  contain educational  elements are   quality.  The  classification  is  outlined  in  the  Director
          entitled to the VAT exemption facility if five conditions or   General  of  Taxes  Regulation  No.  PER-01/PJ/2020.
          requirements are met. The five requirements include first,   Through the regulation signed on 13 January 2020, the
          do not conflict with the values  of the five basic principles   Director General of Taxes requires the Head of the Tax

          of the Republic of Indonesia (Pancasila).             Office (Kantor Pelayanan Pajak/KPP) to assess the quality
                                                                of tax arrears based on their conditions.
          Second,   non-discriminatory   against   ethnicity,
          religion,  race,  and/or  groups.  Third,  do  not contain   The  regulation  was  issued  because  the  provisions
          pornography.  Fourth,  do not  contain  elements  of   concerning the classification of tax arrears quality and
          violence. Fifth, do not contain hate speech.          the currently applicable values of the tax arrears on the
                                                                balance  sheet  do  not  reflect  the  net  realizable  value.
                                                                Therefore, the Director  General of  Taxes  considers  it
          In  the  event  that  these  requirements  are  not  satisfied,
                                                                necessary  to  amend  the  provisions  pertaining  to  the
          the publisher and/or importer of the general books are
                                                                classification of tax arrears quality.
          obliged to pay VAT according to the statutory provisions.
          Requirements  are  deemed  unfulfilled  based  on  court
                                                                The regulation defines tax arrears as arrears arising from
          decisions.  The  provisions  concerning  the  scriptures
                                                                tax due, including administrative sanctions in the form of
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