Page 2 - Newsletter (Latest Income Tax Facilities to Address Covid-19 and Guidelines for the DGT’s Tasks in the New Normal)
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DDTC Newsletter Vol.03 |  No.13  I  June 2020                                               Page 2 of 6

          Latest Income Tax Facilities to Address Covid-19 and
          Guidelines for the DGT's Tasks in the New Normal

          Income Tax Facilities  to Address                    The  report  must  be  submitted  upon  the  filing  of
          Covid-19                                             annual income tax returns of the relevant tax year at
                                                               the latest. In the event that taxpayers do not submit
          The government has issued a policy on income tax to   reports within this period, an additional reduction in
          address the ongoing pandemic. This policy is outlined   net income of 30% cannot be charged by the taxpayer.
          in Government Regulation No. 29 of 2020 concerning   This incentive is given up to 30 September 2020.
          Income  Tax  Facilities  to  Address  the  Corona  Virus
                                                               Second,  donations  that  may  be  deducted  from  net
          Disease  2019  (Covid-19)  (PP  29/2020).  This
                                                               income. Donations to address Covid-19 in Indonesia
          regulation has been issued in response to the impact
                                                               that  are  submitted  by  taxpayers  to  donation
          of Covid-19 spread in Indonesia on health and safety,
                                                               organizations:   National   Disaster   Management
          as well as on business sectors. Promulgated on 10 June
                                                               Authority (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana/
          2020, this policy has taken effect thereafter.
                                                               BNPB),  Regional  Disaster  Management  Authority
          Income tax facilities under this government regulation   (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah/BPBD),
          include  five  areas.  First, an additional reduction  in   ministries that carry out governmental affairs in the
          net income. Resident taxpayers that produce medical   health  sector,  ministries  that  carry  out  government
          devices and/or household health supplies (Perbekalan   affairs in the social sector, or charitable institutions.
          Kesehatan Rumah Tangga/PKRT) to handle Covid-19
                                                               These donations can be deducted from gross income
          are entitled to an additional reduction in net income
                                                               under  two  conditions,  i.e.  supported  by  the  receipt
          by 30% of the costs incurred.
                                                               of  donations  and  received  by  charitable  institutions
          The additional reduction in net income is calculated   that  have  Taxpayer  Identification  Numbers  (TIN).
          from the production costs of medical devices and/or   Deductible donations include those donated up to 30
          PKRT required to address Covid-19 incurred until 30   September 2020.
          September 2020. All additional reductions are charged
                                                               The abovementioned receipt of donations must at least
          in the tax year when the production costs of medical
                                                               contain the following information: name, address, and
          devices are incurred. In the event that there are shared
                                                               the TIN of the donor; the name, address, and TIN of
          costs  for  taxpayers  that  cannot  be  separated  in  the
                                                               the  charitable  institution;  date  of  donation;  form  of
          calculation of the taxable income amount, the burden
                                                               donation; and value of donations. Donations which may
          is allocated proportionally.
                                                               be deducted from gross income amount to the value of
          Medical  devices  and/or  PKRT  are  medical  devices   the  actual  donations  incurred.  Donations  to  address
          and/or  PKRT  stipulated  by  statutory  provisions  in   Covid-19 that  have been deducted as a reduction in
          the  health  sector.  These  medical  devices  include:   gross income under Government Regulation No. 93 of
          N95 surgical masks and respirators; body protection   2010, however, cannot be deducted as a reduction in
          in the form of medical coveralls, medical disposable   gross income under this regulation.
          gowns, heavy-duty aprons, caps, shoe covers, goggles,
                                                               In this regard, donations may be given in the form of
          face  shields,  and  waterproof  boots;  surgical  gloves;
                                                               money,  goods,  services,  and/or  utilization  of  assets
          examination  gloves;  ventilators;  and  diagnostic  test
                                                               without compensation. The value of donations in the
          reagents  for  Covid-19.  PKRT,  however,  may  include
                                                               form  of  goods  is  determined  based  on  acquisition
          antiseptic hand sanitizers and disinfectants.
                                                               value, fiscal book value, or cost of goods sold. Further,
          In certain aspects, the minister of finance may change   the  value  of  donations  in  the  form  of  services  and/
          the  details  of  medical  devices  and  PKRT  based  on   or use of assets without compensation is determined
          recommendations from the minister who carries out    based on the cost of services sold and/or use of assets.
          government affairs in the health sector. Taxpayers that
                                                               The donating taxpayer must submit a nominative list of
          have taken advantage  of  the additional reduction in
                                                               donations upon the filing of annual income tax returns
          net income must submit a report on the production
                                                               of the relevant tax year at the latest. The nominative
          costs of the medical devices and/or PKRT to address
                                                               list  is  submitted  online  through  the  DGT  system.  If
          Covid-19 to the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT).
                                                               the online system is not yet available, taxpayers may
          Such  a  report  is  submitted  online  through  the  DGT   submit  the  nominative  list  offline  through  the  tax
          system.  If  the  online  system  is  not  yet  available,   office  where  the  taxpayer  is  registered.  In  addition,
          taxpayers may submit reports to DGT offline through   the charitable institution must submit a report on the
          the  head  of  the  tax  office  where  the  taxpayer  is   collection of donations.
          registered.  Examples  of  report  formats  are  listed  in
          appendix A of PP 29/2020.
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