Read and Download Taxation Books Only on DDTC. Free!


We have published thirty three books covering domestic taxation and international taxation. Soon, we will also publish an updated book to enrich transfer pricing knowledge in Indonesia and prove our expertise in these fields.


Konsep dan Studi Komparasi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Edisi Kedua (Coming Soon)

The term Value Added Tax (VAT) is not unfamiliar to the public. However, despite its familiarity, not many people understand VAT conceptually or in practice in other countries. Addressing this phenomenon, this book serves as an answer to various questions about VAT…

The Consolidation in a Single Text General Provisions & Tax Procedures, Income Tax and Value Added Tax Laws Pursuant to  Law 6/2023

The release of Law Number 6 of 2023 (Law No.6/2023) concerning the Enactment of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 (Gov. Reg. In Lieu of Law No.2/2022) concerning Job Creation into a Law by the Government of Indonesia, unveils a new frontier in the statutory provisions in the field of taxation…

Susunan Dalam Satu Naskah UU KUP, UU PPh, dan UU PPN Berdasarkan UU 6/2023

The issuance of Law Number 6 of 2023 (Law 6/2023) concerning the Enactment of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 (Gov. Reg. in Lieu of Law 2/2022) concerning Job Creation into a Law by the Government of Indonesia, unveils a new frontier in statutory provisions in the field of taxation…

Guideline for Tax Incentives in Indonesia 2024/2025

Indonesia currently offers a vast array of tax incentive packages. The realisation of their utilisation by taxpayers, in particular foreign investors, however, remains relatively low. One of the major causes of the lack of utilisation of tax incentives by foreign investors is the limited information concerning available tax incentives in Indonesia in English…

Minister of Finance Regulation Number 81 of 2024

The Coretax Administration System (CTAS) marks a new chapter in the Indonesia taxation sector. To that end, the government has released MoF Reg. 81/2024 which contains tax provisions for the implementation of the CTAS…

Kuasa dan Konsultan Pajak: Model dan Perbandingan

Tax consultant constitutes a multidisciplinary profession and plays an extensive and vital role in the context of the tax system. On another note, not only do tax consultants conduct commercial activities but are also engaged in social activities or referred to as an officium nobile profession…

DDTC Indonesian Transfer Pricing Manual

The DDTC Indonesian Transfer Pricing Manual book is here as practical guidelines for stakeholders wishing to delve into and comprehend Indonesian transfer pricing provisions. Compiled systematically, this book summarises recent tax regulations concerning Indonesian transfer pricing provisions…

Konsep Dasar Pajak: Berdasarkan Perspektif Internasional

A conceptual comprehension of taxation is a prerequisite to navigate the highly intricate and dynamic taxation landscape. An understanding founded on the principles of good taxation serves as a solid foundation to explore taxes. This book is structured as per international best practices. Reinforced by a diverse range of multidisciplinary literature, this book does not explicate policies, laws and tax administration prevailing in Indonesia …

Gagasan Perpajakan untuk Prabowo-Gibran

Gagasan Perpajakan untuk Prabowo-Gibran book is an anthology encompassing the 50 best articles from the 2024 DDTCNews writing competition. This book also complements the Tax and Politics program: Your Voice, Your Tax. Moreover, the program has also generated the results of the survey entitled It’s High Time Political Parties and President Elect Talked About Taxes…

DDTC Indonesian Tax Manual 2024: Navigating the Dynamics of Tax Regulations

DDTC Indonesian Tax Manual 2024 is present as practical guidelines for a diverse array of stakeholders in the taxation sector. Delivered in Indonesian and English, this book summarises Indonesia’s dynamic and intricate statutory tax provisions in a straightforward manner…

DDTC Indonesian Tax Manual 2024: Menelusuri Dinamika Peraturan Perpajakan

DDTC Indonesian Tax Manual 2024 is present as practical guidelines for a diverse array of stakeholders in the taxation sector. Delivered in Indonesian and English, this book summarises Indonesia’s dynamic and intricate statutory tax provisions in a straightforward manner…

Panduan Insentif Perpajakan di Indonesia 2024

The vast array of tax incentive packages in Indonesia does not, in reality, correspond to the actual use of incentives by taxpayers. This may be due to a multitude of factors, inter alia the lack of socialisation of tax incentives to taxpayers. The information in this socialisation comprises the requirements for the utilisation and the flow of the application for tax incentives …

DDTC Indonesian Tax Manual
DDTC Indonesian Tax Manual Book 2023

The DDTC Indonesian Tax Manual Book 2023 (DDTC ITM 2023) is inextricably linked to recent tax reforms. One of the most important agendas in this reform journey is the implementation of Law No. 7/2021 concerning the Harmonisation of Tax Regulations, including the issuance of Law No. 6/2023 concerning the Stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 2/2022 concerning Job Creation Into a Law …

English for Tax Professionals
English for Tax Professionals

This book is designed specifically for people who work in the field of taxation and need basic English to communicate with colleagues and clients in a variety of situations. In this course, you will learn tax-related language and how to achieve your goals in small talk, meetings, presentations, on the phone, and email …

Persetujuan Penghindaran Pajak Berganda: Panduan, Interpretasi, dan Aplikasi (Edisi Kedua)
Persetujuan Penghindaran Pajak Berganda: Panduan, Interpretasi, dan Aplikasi (Second Edition)

Consisting of 27 chapters, this book discusses guidelines, interpretations and application of tax treaties. This book is outlined comprehensively and systematically, ranging from the discussion of the basic concepts of international taxes, the development of tax treaty models, the application of tax treaties to the interpretation of articles under the tax treaty models …

Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional (Second Edition - Vol 2)
Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional (Second Edition – Vol 2)

he second edition of the two-volume book focuses on providing a thorough, up-to-date and in-depth overview of transfer pricing issues for special transaction schemes, corporate strategies in transfer pricing, procedural and legal aspects as well as contemporary reflections and developments …

Lembaga Peradilan Pajak di Indonesia: Persoalan, Tantangan, dan Tinjauan di Beberapa Negara
Lembaga Peradilan Pajak di Indonesia: Persoalan, Tantangan, dan Tinjauan di Beberapa Negara

Consisting of 5 chapters, this book starts with a historical narrative of the judiciary authorised to resolve tax disputes in Indonesia. This book subsequently discusses fundamental issues inherent to the performance of the Tax Court in seeking justice for taxpayers …

Indonesian Tax Manual Book 2022
Indonesian Tax Manual Book 2022

Bearing the officium nobile mandate inherent in the tax consultant profession, DDTC consistently focuses on how to promote inclusive tax education and a better tax system for all elements of society …

Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional (Edisi Kedua - Vol 1)
Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional (Second Edition – Vol 1)

This second edition is divided into two volumes. Volume I contains the first 16 chapters consisting of four parts. First, the basic concepts. Second, comparability analysis. Third, transfer pricing analysis methods. Fourth, several issues in measuring arm’s length …

Desain Sistem Perpajakan Indonesia: Tinjauan atas Konsep Dasar dan Pengalaman Internasional
Desain Sistem Perpajakan Indonesia: Tinjauan atas Konsep Dasar dan Pengalaman Internasional

Consisting of 10 chapters, this book begins with the latest developments, challenges and prospects for the tax sector in the foreseeable future. This book subsequently discusses the historical narrative of taxation and development in Indonesia from its independence to date …

Susunan dalam Satu Naskah Undang-Undang Pajak Terbaru
Susunan dalam Satu Naskah Undang-Undang Pajak Terbaru

This Consolidation contains three consolidations of the Tax Laws currently in force. The three consolidations are the General Provisions and Tax Procedures Law, the Income Tax Law, and Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods Law …

Basic Guidelines of Tax Procedures
Basic Guidelines of Tax Procedures

Comprising 6 chapters, this book starts with an explanation of tax subjects and objects and ends with an elucidation of the implementation of special tax procedures by taxpayers. In each chapter, this book also covers the legal basis employed as a reference in the elucidation …

Panduan Dasar Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Pajak
Panduan Dasar Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Pajak

Comprising 6 chapters, this book starts with an explanation of tax subjects and objects and ends with an elucidation of the implementation of special tax procedures by taxpayers. In each chapter, this book also covers the legal basis employed as a reference in the elucidation …

“Joni dan Kawan Pajak: Pajak Kita untuk Indonesia Maju”
“Joni dan Kawan Pajak: Pajak Kita untuk Indonesia Maju” (Komik Pajak)

The comic “Joni dan Kawan Pajak: Pajak Kita untuk Indonesia Maju” is present to introduce and allow a simple understanding of taxes. Concurrently, it is an answer to a wide array of questions from the Indonesian people concerning the importance of paying taxes in Indonesia …

Konsep dan Aplikasi Pajak Penghasilan
Konsep dan Aplikasi Pajak Penghasilan

Consisting of 9 chapters, this book focuses on the concept of income tax and its application in various countries, including Indonesia. Sourced from scientific research and reliable references, the discussions of this book are initiated by examinations of the concept of income …

Era Baru Hubungan Otoritas Pajak Dengan Wajib Pajak
Era Baru Hubungan Otoritas Pajak Dengan Wajib Pajak

This book contains the writer’s ideas about how the relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers should be built. Departing from the deep-rooted problems in the tax system, the author discusses how relationships that are built based on …

Seri Kontribusi DDTC: Gagasan dan Pemikiran Sektor Perpajakan 2018/2019
Seri Kontribusi DDTC: Gagasan dan Pemikiran Sektor Perpajakan 2018/2019

In light of the importance of taxation education and knowledge for the wider community, this book is present as a tangible form of DDTC’s contribution to increasing understanding in the field of taxation. Comprising more than 100 short articles classified in 14 sections, this book discusses taxation …

Konsep dan Studi Komparasi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai
Konsep dan Studi Komparasi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai

The term Value Added Tax (VAT) is not an unfamiliar term in the society. Despite being familiar, very few conceptually comprehends VAT and its practice in other countries. In response to this phenomenon, the book “Konsep dan Studi Komparasi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai” is here to answer various…

Perjanjian Penghindaran Pajak Berganda
Perjanjian Penghindaran Pajak Berganda

This book comprises 28 chapters which review international tax concepts from Income Tax Law perspective in Indonesia, model and application of Double Tax Avoidance Agreement, and the interpretation of each chapter…

Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional
Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional

Principally, this is book is a combination of ideas, strategis and practical ideas in international tax perspective which is required in review of transfer pricing. The three aspects are proportionally summarized in every chapter. This book is organized from numerous literature, interactions with pr…

Konsep dan Aplikasi Perpajakan Internasional
Konsep dan Aplikasi Perpajakan Internasional

This book reviews international tax basic concepts and how to systematically and step-by-step apply Double Tax Avoidance Agreement. The review in this book begins with international tax basic concepts, model, application, and interpretation of Double T…

Konsep dan Aplikasi Cross-Border Transfer Pricing Untuk Tujuan Perpajakan
Konsep dan Aplikasi Cross-Border Transfer Pricing Untuk Tujuan Perpajakan

In trade which has entered the era of globalization, transfer pricing issue has become the main highlight in the world of taxation. Transfer pricing issues are currently the concern for both the Directorate General of Taxes and Taxpayers. This is in accordance with the practice in numer…

Kapita Selekta Perpajakan
Kapita Selekta Perpajakan

In this book, the Author does not review tax laws stipulations in detail. However, we provide taxation concepts and taxation comparisons with other countries, thus it is expected that the readers can easily comprehend the current taxation issues in Indonesia and appropriate resolution alternatives. …

Membatasi Kekuasaan Untuk Mengenakan Pajak: Tinjauan Akademis Terhadap Kebijakan, Hukum dan Administrasi Pajak di Indonesia
Membatasi Kekuasaan Untuk Mengenakan Pajak: Tinjauan Akademis Terhadap Kebijakan, Hukum dan Administrasi Pajak di Indonesia

This book reviews the controversy of the amount of the government’s power to impose tax which is greatly complained about by Taxpayers. It began with UUD 1945/the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, due to its concise and flexible nature, does not stipulate restrictions to impos…

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Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional (Revisi)
Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional

This revised edition is the updated version of the book Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional (Transfer Pricing: Ideas, Strategies, and Practical Guidance in International Tax Perspective). In this book, DDTC provides updates related to transf…

Keterbukaan Informasi untuk Kepentingan Perpajakan
Keterbukaan Informasi untuk Kepentingan Perpajakan

This book encompasses 10 Chapters covering the guidelines / procedures of data / financial information access mechanisms that the tax authority, financial institutions, non-financial institutions, other entities are obliged to acknowledge. This book is required as guidance for the aforementioned…

Membangun Sistem Pajak Berbasis Paradigma Kepatuhan Kooperatif

Taxes are more than merely an important component in development funding and state building. Taxes are also the main frontier of fiscal contracts as well as the interaction of the state and the society in a democratic climate. Thus, the tax should not only refer to acceptance and regulation…


Konsep dan Studi Komparasi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai
Konsep dan Studi Komparasi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai

The term Value Added Tax (VAT) is not an unfamiliar term in the society. Despite being familiar, very few conceptually comprehends VAT and its practice in other countries. In response to this phenomenon, the book “Konsep dan Studi Komparasi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai” is here to answer various…

Perjanjian Penghindaran Pajak Berganda
Perjanjian Penghindaran Pajak Berganda

This book comprises 28 chapters which review international tax concepts from Income Tax Law perspective in Indonesia, model and application of Double Tax Avoidance Agreement, and the interpretation of each chapter…

Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional
Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional

Principally, this is book is a combination of ideas, strategis and practical ideas in international tax perspective which is required in review of transfer pricing. The three aspects are proportionally summarized in every chapter. This book is organized from numerous literature, interactions with pr…

Konsep dan Aplikasi Perpajakan Internasional
Konsep dan Aplikasi Perpajakan Internasional

This book reviews international tax basic concepts and how to systematically and step-by-step apply Double Tax Avoidance Agreement. The review in this book begins with international tax basic concepts, model, application, and interpretation of Double T…

Konsep dan Aplikasi Cross-Border Transfer Pricing Untuk Tujuan Perpajakan
Konsep dan Aplikasi Cross-Border Transfer Pricing Untuk Tujuan Perpajakan

In trade which has entered the era of globalization, transfer pricing issue has become the main highlight in the world of taxation. Transfer pricing issues are currently the concern for both the Directorate General of Taxes and Taxpayers. This is in accordance with the practice in numer…

Kapita Selekta Perpajakan
Kapita Selekta Perpajakan

In this book, the Author does not review tax laws stipulations in detail. However, we provide taxation concepts and taxation comparisons with other countries, thus it is expected that the readers can easily comprehend the current taxation issues in Indonesia and appropriate resolution alternatives. …

Membatasi Kekuasaan Untuk Mengenakan Pajak: Tinjauan Akademis Terhadap Kebijakan, Hukum dan Administrasi Pajak di Indonesia
Membatasi Kekuasaan Untuk Mengenakan Pajak: Tinjauan Akademis Terhadap Kebijakan, Hukum dan Administrasi Pajak di Indonesia

This book reviews the controversy of the amount of the government’s power to impose tax which is greatly complained about by Taxpayers. It began with UUD 1945/the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, due to its concise and flexible nature, does not stipulate restrictions to impos…

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