Efek Jera Bagi Penunggak Pajak

Efek Jera Bagi Penunggak Pajak

Inside Tax Edisi 28 - Efek Jera Bagi Penunggak Pajak

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The editorial staff wishes to bring forth the latest issue in Indonesian taxation which was quite rampant in the beginning of 2015, that is the hostage phenomenon or gijzeling. In reality, gijzeling is not a new issue, yet quite shocking due to more intensive and evenly spread collection method in several regions in Indonesia.

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Inside Tax Edisi 28 - Efek Jera Bagi Penunggak Pajak

Total Downloads 4664

The editorial staff wishes to bring forth the latest issue in Indonesian taxation which was quite rampant in the beginning of 2015, that is the hostage phenomenon or gijzeling. In reality, gijzeling is not a new issue, yet quite shocking due to more intensive and evenly spread collection method in several regions in Indonesia.

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