Gonjang-ganjing PBB

Gonjang-ganjing PBB

Inside Tax Edisi 29 - Gonjang-ganjing PBB

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In this edition, the editorial staff attempts to bring forth the topic which is independently brought forth by the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency regarding Land and Building Tax. It seems the ministry wishes to propose the reformulation of Tax Objects Selling Price and the exemption from non-commercial Land and Building Tax. This proposal arises as the impact of the complicacy of Land and Building Tax system.

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Inside Tax Edisi 29 - Gonjang-ganjing PBB

Total Downloads 4790

In this edition, the editorial staff attempts to bring forth the topic which is independently brought forth by the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency regarding Land and Building Tax. It seems the ministry wishes to propose the reformulation of Tax Objects Selling Price and the exemption from non-commercial Land and Building Tax. This proposal arises as the impact of the complicacy of Land and Building Tax system.

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