Ikanku Hilang Pajakku Melayang

Ikanku Hilang Pajakku Melayang

Inside Tax Edisi 35 - Ikanku Hilang Pajakku Melayang

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If we look back, Indonesia once experienced its golden age as a maritime country under the authority of the Majapahit Kingdom, Sriwijaya Kingdom and other kingdoms which were known as the ‘ruler of the sea’. However, the golden era seems to be missing with the storm now. Indonesia is now faced with numerous crime in the fishery sector which of course is also an issue in many countries. In practice, the business process in fishery sector is fragile, seeing the many criminal loopholes which can be utilized by businesspeople in the fishery sector to avoid tax.

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Inside Tax Edisi 35 - Ikanku Hilang Pajakku Melayang

Total Downloads 5362

If we look back, Indonesia once experienced its golden age as a maritime country under the authority of the Majapahit Kingdom, Sriwijaya Kingdom and other kingdoms which were known as the ‘ruler of the sea’. However, the golden era seems to be missing with the storm now. Indonesia is now faced with numerous crime in the fishery sector which of course is also an issue in many countries. In practice, the business process in fishery sector is fragile, seeing the many criminal loopholes which can be utilized by businesspeople in the fishery sector to avoid tax.

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