Meneropong Pajak Rezim Baru

Meneropong Pajak Rezim Baru

Inside Tax Edisi 26 - Meneropong Pajak Rezim Baru

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It can be said that 2014 was very special as throughout the year a number of taxation issues and news coloured the whole year. To name a few: banking data access for taxation purpose, president candidate and his tax platform, tax restitution, taxing on e-commerce, the resurfacing of tax amnesty discourse, to the auction of the Director General of Taxes’ position. International issues are just as exciting, such as Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plan which was brought forth by OECD and G20 countries brought more colour to this year and are indicated to continue in forthcoming 2015. Moreover, the news regarding ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015 was also booming and was discussions and seminars topic. Great challenges await. The question is, is Indonesia ready to face them?

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Inside Tax Edisi 26 - Meneropong Pajak Rezim Baru

Total Downloads 3931

It can be said that 2014 was very special as throughout the year a number of taxation issues and news coloured the whole year. To name a few: banking data access for taxation purpose, president candidate and his tax platform, tax restitution, taxing on e-commerce, the resurfacing of tax amnesty discourse, to the auction of the Director General of Taxes’ position. International issues are just as exciting, such as Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plan which was brought forth by OECD and G20 countries brought more colour to this year and are indicated to continue in forthcoming 2015. Moreover, the news regarding ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015 was also booming and was discussions and seminars topic. Great challenges await. The question is, is Indonesia ready to face them?

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