Mengawal Reformasi Pajak

Mengawal Reformasi Pajak

Inside Tax Edisi 39 - Mengawal Reformasi Pajak

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In this year-end special edition, InsideTax conveys Safeguarding Tax Reforms theme, detailed in 6 reports, with the sub-themes Great Expectations in Tax Reforms, The Direction of Tax Laws Revision, Revenue Challenges in 2018, Global Taxation Dynamics, Tax Education, and Fiscal Decentralization.

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Inside Tax Edisi 39 - Mengawal Reformasi Pajak

Total Downloads 11983

In this year-end special edition, InsideTax conveys Safeguarding Tax Reforms theme, detailed in 6 reports, with the sub-themes Great Expectations in Tax Reforms, The Direction of Tax Laws Revision, Revenue Challenges in 2018, Global Taxation Dynamics, Tax Education, and Fiscal Decentralization.

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