Menggali Ke(tidak)patuhan Pajak

Menggali Ke(tidak)patuhan Pajak

Inside Tax Edisi 14 - Menggali Ke(tidak)patuhan Pajak

Total Downloads 2808

This inspiration comes from 14 th internal discussion held by DDTC with the theme “Tax Non Compliance: Causes, Consequences, and Cures”. This discussion later evolved and resulted in two articles from the editorial staff which becomes current InsideTax’s headline.

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Inside Tax Edisi 14 - Menggali Ke(tidak)patuhan Pajak

Total Downloads 2808

This inspiration comes from 14 th internal discussion held by DDTC with the theme “Tax Non Compliance: Causes, Consequences, and Cures”. This discussion later evolved and resulted in two articles from the editorial staff which becomes current InsideTax’s headline.

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