Menyasar Pajak Orang Kaya

Menyasar Pajak Orang Kaya

Inside Tax Edisi 30 - Menyasar Pajak Orang Kaya

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This year is a year where tax target drastically escalates. In APBN-P 2015 (Indonesian Revised Budget), the target of tax revenue increased 38.69% from the realization last year. To achieve the revenue target, the government attempts to further explore the tax revenue potential from Individual Taxpayer with the individuals with high and middle-up income or known as High Wealth Individual (HWI). Then, what is the management of HWI conducted by the tax authority like, whether in Indonesia or other countries? Why HWI are given special treatment by tax authorities in numerous countries?

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Inside Tax Edisi 30 - Menyasar Pajak Orang Kaya

Total Downloads 4557

This year is a year where tax target drastically escalates. In APBN-P 2015 (Indonesian Revised Budget), the target of tax revenue increased 38.69% from the realization last year. To achieve the revenue target, the government attempts to further explore the tax revenue potential from Individual Taxpayer with the individuals with high and middle-up income or known as High Wealth Individual (HWI). Then, what is the management of HWI conducted by the tax authority like, whether in Indonesia or other countries? Why HWI are given special treatment by tax authorities in numerous countries?

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