Tren, Outlook dan Tantangan Perpajakan 2014: Apa Kata Mereka?

Tren, Outlook dan Tantangan Perpajakan 2014: Apa Kata Mereka?

Inside Tax Edisi 18 - Tren, Outlook dan Tantangan Perpajakan 2014: Apa Kata Mereka?

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Until now, no media in Indonesia specifically capture the portrait of taxation in the previous year, and also present what is expected to take place in the forthcoming year. Strangely, tax issues are not even specifically discussed by renowned media in Indonesia in their year-end reports. Tax is set aside in the society’s information breakfast menu. This is ironic as tax is the vein of Indonesia’s development which contributes more than 70% of state revenue.

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Inside Tax Edisi 18 - Tren, Outlook dan Tantangan Perpajakan 2014: Apa Kata Mereka?

Total Downloads 2639

Until now, no media in Indonesia specifically capture the portrait of taxation in the previous year, and also present what is expected to take place in the forthcoming year. Strangely, tax issues are not even specifically discussed by renowned media in Indonesia in their year-end reports. Tax is set aside in the society’s information breakfast menu. This is ironic as tax is the vein of Indonesia’s development which contributes more than 70% of state revenue.

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