Working Paper

Working Paper

Working Paper

DDTC`s Working Paper is a series of technical papers which deals with taxation problems in Indonesia and global. The papers contain advanced perspectives both for conceptual and analytic studies, supported by reliable source of information.


Working Paper - Mempertimbangkan Reformasi Pajak Daerah berdasarkan Analisis Subnational Tax Effort
DDTC Working Paper 2421
Mempertimbangkan Reformasi Pajak Daerah berdasarkan Analisis Subnational Tax Effort

14 September 2021

Total Downloads 2304

This working paper presents comprehensive analysis of subnational tax effort in the context of Indonesia’s fiscal decentralization system. Through panel econometric methodologies …

DDTC-Working-Paper-Inovasi Kebijakan Penerimaan Negara dalam Dynamic Disruption
DDTC Working Paper 2321
Inovasi Kebijakan Penerimaan Negara dalam Dynamic Disruption

10 May 2021

Total Downloads 3766

Tax policy-related innovations constitute a strategic aspect in addressing disruptions to the industrial, business, and economic sectors, and in anticipating the potential loss of tax revenues. …

DDTC Working Paper 2220
Meninjau Konsep dan Relevansi PPh Final di Indonesia

04 May 2020

Total Downloads 7208

This working paper presents an analysis of the concept and relevance of Indonesia’s final income tax. The final income tax is comprehensively reviewed, in terms of the concept, the historical analysis of the regime …

Working Paper - Metode dan Teknik Proyeksi Penerimaan Pajak: Panduan dan Aplikasi
DDTC Working Paper 2119
Metode dan Teknik Proyeksi Penerimaan Pajak: Panduan dan Aplikasi

18 November 2019

Total Downloads 5769

Tax revenue projection holds central role in preserving fiscal stability and credibility and influence how expenditure allocations are regulated. With the increasing data availability and the need to provide credible tax revenue projection …

Working Paper - Prospek Pajak Warisan di Indonesia
DDTC Working Paper 2019
Prospek Pajak Warisan di Indonesia

27 June 2019

Total Downloads 7832

This paper confers an in-depth analysis of the prospects of implementing inheritance tax in Indonesia. Discussions pertaining to inheritance tax, ranging from the concepts, pros and cons, policy design, global trends, comparative studies, and analysis of the feasibility in the Indonesian context, are reviewed in full …

Working Paper - Komparasi Objek Cukai secara Global dan Pelajaran bagi Indonesia
DDTC Working Paper 1919
Komparasi Objek Cukai secara Global dan Pelajaran bagi Indonesia

29 January 2019

Total Downloads 5585

This paper presents the patterns and trends of global excise tax policies in terms of the proportion of revenue and the concepts of excise policies themselves. In this regard, this paper also divides excise tax objects into 6 major groups, namely excise related to health …

Working Paper - Sistem Pemajakan: Dari Worldwide ke Territorial Bagaimana dengan Indonesia?
DDTC Working Paper 1818
Sistem Pemajakan: Dari Worldwide ke Territorial Bagaimana dengan Indonesia?

29 October 2018

Total Downloads 3393

This paper defines the concepts of the territorial and worldwide tax systems generally applied by countries in the world, including the advantages and disadvantages of each tax system. Moreover, this paper reviews the implementation of both systems as well as comparative studies in a number of …

Working Paper - Measuring BEPS and Its Countermeasures in Indonesia: A Preliminary Research Guide
DDTC Working Paper 1717
Measuring BEPS and Its Countermeasures in Indonesia: A Preliminary Research Guide

28 February 2017

Total Downloads 2504

This paper introduces guide or basic principle that could be a consideration of research setting plan. Preliminary, macro-approach research is useful to measure the overall magnitude of BEPS….

Working Paper - Insentif Pajak untuk Kegiatan Filantropi
DDTC Working Paper 1617
Insentif Pajak untuk Kegiatan Filantropi

28 February 2017

Total Downloads 2889

This paper describes the concept, potential, and the importance of the goverment’s role in philanthropy. In addition, this writing depicts the ideal tax incentive design for philanthropy through experience and its implementation trend in several countries….

Working Paper - Optimal Corporate Income Tax Policy for Large Developing Countries in an Integrated Economy
DDTC Working Paper 1516
Optimal Corporate Income Tax Policy for Large Developing Countries in an Integrated Economy

24 June 2016

Total Downloads 2512

This paper produces recommendations of policies relevant to Indonesia being a developing country with great tax bases. These recommendations comprise a reassessment of Corporate Income Tax policies which carry the risks of reducing national economic welfare, applying differentiation on imposing fund…

Working Paper - Tax Amnesty dan Faktor Penentu Keberhasilannya: Pelajaran dari Beberapa Otoritas Pajak
DDTC Working Paper 1416
Tax Amnesty dan Faktor Penentu Keberhasilannya: Pelajaran dari Beberapa Otoritas Pajak

11 April 2016

Total Downloads 2644

This paper consists of a secondary research by taking samples from six tax amnesty’s case studies implemented by tax authorities in the world, using both national and sub-national systematic review methods. This paper concludes that the main goals of tax amnesty by most tax authorities is to n…

Working Paper - Tax Policy Options during Economic Downturn
DDTC Working Paper 1315
Tax Policy Options during Economic Downturn

18 September 2015

Total Downloads 5821

This paper will identify fiscal tools and mechanics, especially related to tax strategies, typically used by the authority. The rest of the paper will provide cross-country revenue collection strategies during economic crisis and describe Indonesia’s current and future economic outlook as well…

Working Paper - Multinational Firms Losses and Profit Shifting Behavior in Indonesia: Some Comments
DDTC Working Paper 1215
Multinational Firms Losses and Profit Shifting Behavior in Indonesia: Some Comments

14 August 2015

Total Downloads 2470

In this paper, tax and non-tax motives of multinational firms’ losses will be elaborated. Financial losses become the issue that will be described in business framework, and will also be framed as profit shifting strategy. Furthermore, how should Government of Indonesia (Directorate General of…

Working Paper - Tax Incentives: An Alternative to Revenue Enhancement
DDTC Working Paper 1115
Tax Incentives: An Alternative to Revenue Enhancement

6 July 2015

Total Downloads 2239

This paper starts with exploring the rationale behind providing tax incentives and empirical evidence across countries. The paper also compares the pros and cons for each tool of tax incentive. This paper will conclude and propose recommendations for Indonesia to increase the state revenue….

Working Paper - Fiscal Decentralization and Sub-national Taxes: Specific Case of Indonesia
DDTC Working Paper 1015
Fiscal Decentralization and Sub-national Taxes: Specific Case of Indonesia

6 July 2015

Total Downloads 2046

This paper focuses on the concept of managing local revenues and which taxes should be assigned to different kinds of government. This paper recommends a primary agenda to solve the aforementioned problems to improve current tax administration system….

Working Paper - Narrowing Tax Gap: Cross Countries Experience
DDTC Working Paper 0915
Narrowing Tax Gap: Cross Countries Experience

25 February 2015

Total Downloads 2262

This paper reviews methodologies and empirical estimations of cross-countries’ tax gap and tax effort. Tax gap is the difference between the maximum amounts of tax revenue and the actual receipt. Meanwhile, tax effort is defined as an index of ratio between the share of the actual collection…

Working Paper - Tax Expenditure atas Pajak Penghasilan: Rekomendasi bagi Indonesia
DDTC Working Paper 0814
Tax Expenditure atas Pajak Penghasilan: Rekomendasi bagi Indonesia

19 June 2014

Total Downloads 3067

This paper will attempt to study government spending via tax system (tax expenditure). Nowadays, transparency and reporting on tax expenditure have become a worldwide issue across the world. In Indonesia, we will recommend an analysis of defining income tax expenditure itself and policy options for …

Working Paper - Rencana Aksi Base Erosion Profit Shifting dan Dampaknya terhadap Peraturan Pajak di Indonesia
DDTC Working Paper 0714
Rencana Aksi Base Erosion Profit Shifting dan Dampaknya terhadap Peraturan Pajak di Indonesia

11 June 2014

Total Downloads 3135

This paper will attempt to study 15 points of Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plan that is presented by OECD and members of G20. The main purpose of the Action Plan is to provide countries with instruments, domestic and international, aimed at better aligning rights to tax with real e…

Working Paper - Pesta Demokrasi Tanpa Kebijakan Pajak
DDTC Working Paper 0614
Pesta Demokrasi Tanpa Kebijakan Pajak

06 March 2014

Total Downloads 2125

This paper will attempt to study the effect of the 2014 election on tax policy applied in Indonesia. By describing the ideas of participation, actors, policy and interaction to reach an agreement to conclude a tax policy, at the end of this study an analysis of the predicted direction of tax policy …

Working Paper - Akses Data Perbankan Untuk Tujuan Perpajakan: Keseimbangan Antara Hak-Hak Wajib Pajak Dan Penggalian Potensi Pajak Studi Komparasi
DDTC Working Paper 0514
Akses Data Perbankan Untuk Tujuan Perpajakan: Keseimbangan Antara Hak-Hak Wajib Pajak Dan Penggalian Potensi Pajak Studi Komparasi

26 February 2014

Total Downloads 2992

This paper will attempt to study the subject of bank secrecy and its potential to avoid paying tax obligations illegally .By conducting comparative study of domestic conditions in 37 countries related to banking secrecy, what constitutes the best practices that occur globally is identified. At the e…

Working Paper - Analysis of Political Budget Cycles in Emerging South East Asian Economies
DDTC Working Paper 0414
Analysis of Political Budget Cycles in Emerging South East Asian Economies

28 February 2014

Total Downloads 1988

This paper will attempt to analyze the effect of parliamentary and executive elections separately in five emerging South East Asian Countries on fiscal policies from 1985 to 2011. Fiscal policies on this paper refer to direct government expenditures and changes in the level and composition of tax…

Working Paper - Insentif Pajak Penghasilan atas Biaya Penelitian dan Pengembangan: Studi Perbandingan
DDTC Working Paper 0313
Insentif Pajak Penghasilan atas Biaya Penelitian dan Pengembangan: Studi Perbandingan

30 September 2013

Total Downloads 2571

This paper will analyze an important key in enhancing the economic competitiveness of a nation, including innovation, technology and human resources. In the business sector, achieving those three things could be done with investing in research and development (R&D). Starting with basic issues to…

Working Paper - The Myths and Realities of Tax Performance Under Semi-Autonomous Revenue Authorities
DDTC Working Paper 0213
The Myths and Realities of Tax Performance Under Semi-Autonomous Revenue Authorities

31 August 2013

Total Downloads 2098

This paper will analyze the main factors behind the decision to implement Semi-Autonomous Revenue Authorities (SARA) and test the myths of the impact of SARA model on tax performance and other relevant indicators through utilizing econometric approach in order to demystify SARA….

Working Paper - Asymmetric Information & Its Impact On Tax Compliance Cost In Indonesia
DDTC Working Paper 0113
Asymmetric Information & Its Impact On Tax Compliance Cost In Indonesia

31 January 2013

Total Downloads 2631

This paper will attempt to study the subject of asymmetric information and its impact on tax compliance cost, thereby focusing on a conceptual approach and its relationship with current tax developments in Indonesia….

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