Metode dan Teknik Proyeksi Penerimaan Pajak: Panduan dan Aplikasi

Metode dan Teknik Proyeksi Penerimaan Pajak: Panduan dan Aplikasi

Working Paper - Metode dan Teknik Proyeksi Penerimaan Pajak: Panduan dan Aplikasi

DDTC Working Paper 2119

18 November 2019

Total Downloads 5769

Tax revenue projection holds central role in preserving fiscal stability and credibility and influence how expenditure allocations are regulated. With the increasing data availability and the need to provide credible tax revenue projection, it is essential to maintain the development study of such projection method and technique. This paper provides the guidance of various relevant methods along with the application techniques.

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Working Paper - Metode dan Teknik Proyeksi Penerimaan Pajak: Panduan dan Aplikasi

DDTC Working Paper 2119

18 November 2019

Total Downloads 5769

Tax revenue projection holds central role in preserving fiscal stability and credibility and influence how expenditure allocations are regulated. With the increasing data availability and the need to provide credible tax revenue projection, it is essential to maintain the development study of such projection method and technique. This paper provides the guidance of various relevant methods along with the application techniques.

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