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P. 74

DDTC Training Programs 2015


                     “Disputes on Transfer Pricing

            Intangible and Intragroup Service”

                                             Tuesday, 9 June 2015

                                           09.00 AM - 05.00 PM

                    The determination of legal and economic ownership of group intangible assets and the relative contribution to
                    value creation where different associated enterprises hold rights in the intangible used represent the tax. . .Read more

                                            Romi Irawan    Untoro Sejati  Yusuf W. Ngantung
                                                          Rp. 3.000.000,-
                                       (Including hand-out, Reading materials, Certificates, Coffee break and meals,
                                              Library access, and other modern supporting facility).

                                      This seminar is limited to only 24 participants to ensure an effective learning environment and
                                                      to promote interactive discussions.
                Training Programs will be held at                          Further information:
                DDTC’s Training Center:                                    +62 21 2938 5758

                    DANNY DARUSALAM Tax Center                             Eny Marliana
                    (PT Dimensi Internasional Tax)                            +62 815 898 0228
                    Menara Satu Sentra Kelapa Gading                          [email protected]
                    Lantai 6 (Unit #0601 - #0602)
                    Jl. Bulevar Kelapa Gading LA3 No. 1, Summarecon        Indah Kurnia
                    Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, 14240, Indonesia
                                                                              +62 856 192 6643
                                                                              [email protected]
                                               DDTCIndonesia  @DDTCIndonesia   DDTC
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