Page 4 - Newsletter (Tax Incentives for Transportation Sector, Sanction for Customs, and Target of Extensification)
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DDTC Newsletter Vol.02 |  No.01  I  July 2019                                               Page 4 of 6


          The     Follow-Up        of    Spontaneous           Extensification Target of the DGT
          Exchange Of Information
                                                               As there have been many tax incentives and relaxations
                                                               issued this year, the DGT has set four type of taxpayers as
          The  DGT  starts  following  up  spontaneous  exchange
                                                               target of extensification on 12 June 2019. This is regulated
          of  information  (Spontaneous  EOI).  This  is  based  on
                                                               in  Circular  Letter  Number  SE-14/PJ/2019  concerning
          Circular  Letter  Number  SE-15/PJ/2019  concerning
                                                               Extensification Procedure (SE-14/PJ/2019). This Letter
          Implementation  Guidance  of  Spontaneous  Information
                                                               emerged as a response to the low tax compliance level as
          Exchange  in  order  to  Implement  International
                                                               of May 2019.
          Agreements (SE-15/PJ/2019).
                                                               Based  on  the  provisions,  extensification  is  defined  as
          This provision, which was stipulated on 19 June 2019,
                                                               monitoring  activities  performed  by  the  DGT  toward
          acts  as  implementing  regulation  of  Director  General  of
                                                               taxpayers who have fulfilled the subjective and objective
          Taxes  Regulation  Number  PER-24/PJ/2018  concerning
                                                               requirements, but yet to register to be given Taxpayer’s
          Procedure  of  Spontaneous  Exchange  of  Information  in
                                                               Identification  Number  (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak/
          order to Implement International Agreements (PER-24/
                                                               NPWP) as regulated in general tax provisions
          PJ/2018). This document becomes the guidance for Tax
          Offices (Kantor Pelayanan Pajak/KPP), Office of External
                                                               Type of taxpayers who are set as extensification target as
          Data  Management  (Kantor Pengolahan  Data  Eksternal/
                                                               mentioned in the provision are as followed:
          KPDE), Regional Offices of DGT and Unit of Echelon II of
          the DGT.                                              1)  Individual Taxpayers;
                                                                2)  Unshared Inheritance Taxpayers;
          Spontaneous EOI can be defined as information exchange
                                                                3)  Corporate Taxpayers; and
          that  are  spontaneously  exchanged  performed  by
          competent  authority  in  Indonesia  by  sending  relevant   4)  Treasurer  who  is  appointed  as  tax  withholder
          information  that  are  valuable  for  taxation  purpose  of   according to general tax provisions.
          country  or  jurisdiction  partners  and  the  other  way
                                                               The determination of subjective requirement fulfilment
          around without preceded by request.
                                                               is  based  on  Article  2,  2A  and  3  of  Income  Tax  Law,
                                                               such  as  NPWP,  name  and  domiciled  or  living  address,
          There are two types of spontaneous EOI that are explained
                                                               place  of  business  and  assets.  Regarding  the  objective
          in  the  provision.  First,  spontaneous  EOI  that  are  sent
                                                               requirement,  it  can  be  in  the  form  of  the  existence  of
          to  the  country  or  jurisdiction  partners,  recognized  as
                                                               income or obligation  to withhold income tax  of other
          outbound  spontaneous  EOI.  Second,  spontaneous  EOI
          sent from country or jurisdiction partners, recognized as
          inbound spontaneous EOI.
                                                               In  addition,  taxpayers  who  does  not  receive  or  earn
                                                               income; or receive income in Indonesia where the taxation
          The  information  is  to  be  spontaneously  exchanged
                                                               of the income is limited due to tax treaty but are obliged
          between  related  tax  authorities  if  they  contain  the
                                                               to  withhold  income  tax  of  other  taxpayers,  are  said  to
                                                               fulfil the objective requirement. The confirmation will be
           a.  indication of tax revenue lost, either for Indonesia or   processed  based  on  scale  priority  through  information
             country or jurisdiction partners;                 system and the result of risk analysis perform by the DGT.
           b.  taxpayers’  income  that  are  suspected  to  be  not
             reported;                                         In  case  the  taxpayers  have  been  clarified  to  fulfil
                                                               subjective and objective requirements to be given NPWP,
           c.  tax reduction or exemption that potentially add the
                                                               then for taxpayers who voluntarily register will be given
             amount of tax obligation;
                                                               guideline  to  register  online  through  e-registration.  On
           d.  business  activities  performed  between  taxpayers
                                                               the  other  hand,  for  taxpayers  who  do  not  voluntarily
             in  Indonesia  and  country  or  jurisdiction  partner
                                                               register when administrative audit (visit) is being held
             through several  countries that  are arranged  in  a
                                                               by Account Representative, then the NPWP will be given
             way  that  causes  tax  paid  in  Indonesia,  country  or
                                                               ex-officio.  This  method  also  holds  through  audits  for
             jurisdiction partner, or both decreases; and/or
                                                               other purpose that are performed according to general
           e.  suspicion that there could be tax reduction caused   tax provisions that regulate audit procedure.
             by profit shifting within a business group.
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