Page 12 - Newsletter (Reduction of Income Tax Rates for Publicly Listed Companies and Establishment of VAT Withholder Criteria for E-Commerce Businesses)
P. 12

DDTC Newsletter Vol.04 |  No.01  I  July 2020                                            Page 12 of 13

          Reduction of Income Tax Rates for Publicly Listed Companies and
          Establishment of VAT Withholder Criteria for E-Commerce Businesses

          and Taxation Facilities for Imported Goods to Address   decrees on the granting of customs and/or excise and
          the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) (MoF Reg.   taxation facilities for the import of goods to address
          83/2020).                                            the  Covid-19  pandemic.  This  regulation  emphasizes
                                                               that the decrees remain valid to the extent that:
          These types of goods have been reduced as items to
          address  Covid-19,  such  as  hand  sanitizers,  products   (i)   the import declaration document has obtained
          containing disinfectants, as well as masks and certain      the number and date of the notification of the
          types  of  personal  protective  wear,  are  sufficient  for   arrival  of  the  means  of  transport  or  inward
          domestic needs and can be substituted by domestically       manifest (BC 1.1) before the status of Covid-19
          produced goods.                                             as a national disaster expires; or
          Compared  to  the  appendix  of  Minister  of  Finance   (ii)   the customs declaration  documents on
          Regulation  No.  34/PMK.04/2020  concerning  the            the release of goods  from bonded logistics
          Granting  of  Customs  and/or  Excise  and  Taxation        centers,  free  trade  zones,  bonded  zones,
          Facilities for Imported Goods to Address Corona Virus       bonded warehouses, special economic zones,
          Disease 2019 (MoF Reg. 34/2020) Pandemic, several           and companies receiving import facilities for
          types of goods are no longer listed in the appendix of      export, have received the date of registration
          MoF Reg. 83/2020.                                           at the customs and excise office where customs
                                                                      obligations have been fulfilled before the status
          These  items  include  hand  sanitizers,  disinfectants,
                                                                      of Covid-19 as a national disaster expires.
          and  products  containing  ready-to-use  disinfectants.
          In addition, the facilities formerly given for import of   Moreover, this regulation states that requests to obtain
          masks in three HS Codes are currently reduced to two   facilities for which the import declaration documents
          HS Codes.                                            have received the number and date of documents for
                                                               the notification of the arrival of means of transport or
          Next, the import facilities for personal protective wear
                                                               inward manifest or customs declaration on the release
          formerly  granted  11  HS  Codes  are  currently  given
                                                               of goods have received the date of registration from
          for  two  HS  Codes  only.  At  present,  the  government
                                                               the Customs and Excise Office prior to the enactment
          no  longer  provides  import  facilities  for  personal
                                                               of this regulation, are processed as per the provisions
          protective  footwear,  face  shields,  protective  glasses,
                                                               under MoF Reg. 34/2020. Promulgated on 7 July 2020,
          and head protectors either.
                                                               the regulation applies thereafter.
          In addition to reducing the types of goods, under this
          regulation,  the  government  revises  the  provisions
          relating to the validity period of the minister of finance

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