Page 11 - Newsletter (Reduction of Income Tax Rates for Publicly Listed Companies and Establishment of VAT Withholder Criteria for E-Commerce Businesses)
P. 11

DDTC Newsletter Vol.04 |  No.01  I  July 2020                                            Page 11 of 13

          Reduction of Income Tax Rates for Publicly Listed Companies and
          Establishment of VAT Withholder Criteria for E-Commerce Businesses

          The Stipulation  of  Import  Duties                  Third, the in-quota preferential tariff is the preferential
          in the  Context of the  Indonesia-                   import duty tariff in the TRQ scheme that is stipulated
          Australia  Comprehensive Economic                    for imported goods using the TRQ certificate and the
                                                               amount  neither  exceeds  the  TRQ  certificate  nor  the
          Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA)                      annual quota of the TRQ scheme.
                                                               Fourth,  the  out-quota  preferential  tariff  is  the
          The  Government  of  the  Republic  of  Indonesia  has
                                                               preferential  import  duty  tariff  in  the  TRQ  scheme
          ratified  the  Indonesia-Australia  Comprehensive
                                                               stipulated  for  imported  goods  that  do  not  use  the
          Economic Partnership Agreement through Law No. 1
                                                               TRQ certificate or use a TRQ certificate in an amount
          of 2020 concerning the Ratification of the Indonesia-
                                                               exceeding the TRQ certificate and/or the annual quota.
          Australia  Comprehensive  Economic  Partnership
          Agreement.                                           The  TRQ  certificate  is  a  certificate  issued  by  the
                                                               issuing  institution  in  Australia  which  contains
          The  entry  into  force  of  this  agreement  renders
                                                               quotas  for  certain  products  per  shipment  and  is
          preferential tariffs for imported goods from Australia.
                                                               sent  electronically  through  the  INSW  System  which
          The  stipulation  of  the  preferential  tariffs  is  outlined
                                                               will be used as the basis for the granting of in-quota
          in  the  Minister  of  Finance  Regulation  No.  81/
                                                               preferential tariffs in the TRQ scheme.
          PMK.010/2020 concerning the Stipulation of Import
          Duty  Tariffs  in  the  Framework  of  the  Indonesia-  Fifth, there are several  commodities  of which the
          Australia  Comprehensive  Economic  Partnership      out-quota  tariffs  are  based  on  the  ASEAN-Australia-
          Agreement (MoF Reg. 81/2020).                        New  Zealand  Free  Trade  Area  (AANZFTA)  import
                                                               duties.  This  regulation,  however,  emphasizes  that
          The  details  of  the  preferential  tariffs  for  each
                                                               if  the  statutory  import  duty  tariff  is  lower  than  the
          classification of imported goods from Australia from
                                                               preferential  tariff  or  the  in-quota  and/or  out-quota
          2020 to 2036 onwards are listed in Appendix A of MoF
                                                               preferential  tariff,  statutory  import  duty  tariff  shall
          Reg. 81/2020. Further, Appendix A also describes the
          HS Codes and the description of the classification of
          goods in Indonesian and English.                     The  IA-CEPA-based  preferential  tariffs  are  imposed
                                                               as  per  the  Minister  of  Finance  Regulation  No.  82/
          Under MoF Reg. 81/2020, the government also applies
                                                               PMK.04/2020  concerning  the  Procedures  for  the
          a tariff rate quota (TRQ) scheme on imported goods
                                                               Imposition of Import Duty Tariffs on Imported Goods
          from Australia. The TRQ scheme is a scheme to impose
                                                               Based  on  the  Indonesia-Australia  Comprehensive
          import  duty  tariffs  based  on  the  quota  for  certain
                                                               Economic    Partnership   Agreement   (MoF   Reg.
          products specified in MoF Reg. 81/2020. Preferential
          rates based on the TRQ scheme are listed in Appendix
          B.                                                   Under  MoF  Reg.  82/2020,  the  government  asserts
                                                               that to obtain preferential tariffs, in-quota preferential
          In  summary,  Appendix  B  contains  information  on
                                                               tariffs, and/or out-quota preferential tariffs, imported
          products  subject  to  the  TRQ  scheme.  The  products
                                                               goods  must  meet  the  Rules  of  Origin.  The  criteria
          include live bulls other than cattle and oxen, potatoes,
                                                               consist of origin criteria, consignment  criteria, and
          carrots, oranges, mandarin oranges, lemons and limes,
                                                               procedural provisions.
          feed  grains,  hot/cold  rolled  steel  coil.  In  addition,
          appendix  B  outlines  information  on  HS  Codes,
          description of goods, TRQ annual quota from 2020 to   Changes in Types of Imported Goods to
          2029, in-quota tariff, and out- quota tariff out.
                                                               Address Covid-19 Entitled to Taxation
          TRQ is stipulated based on five provisions. First, 2020
          TRQ, in particular, will take effect on 5 July 2020 until   Facilities
          31 December 2020. TRQ of the following year will take
          effect from 1 January to 31 December.                The government eliminates the types of imported goods
                                                               to  address  Covid-19  pandemic  entitled  to  customs
          Second,  TRQ  annual  quota  is  the  total  quota  set  for   and/or  excise  and  taxation  facilities.  The  reduction
          certain products on an annual basis as per the IA-CEPA.   is outlined in the Minister of Finance Regulation No.
          The TRQ annual quota is calculated on a pro-rata basis   83/PMK.04/2020  concerning  Amendments  to  the
          according to the percentage of remaining years as of 5   Minister of Finance Regulation No. 34/PMK.04/2020
          July 2020.                                           concerning  the  Granting  of  Customs  and/or  Excise
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