Pengadilan Pajak: Sudahkah Transparan?

Pengadilan Pajak: Sudahkah Transparan?

Inside Tax Edisi 22 - Pengadilan Pajak: Sudahkah Transparan?

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In Indonesia, Tax Court is a judiciary body which conducts judiciary authority to Taxpayers or the bearers of tax who seek justice in tax disputes. Tax Court play a significant role to resolve numerous tax disputes which arise due to different legal interpretation (juridical) by the disputing parties by providing a legal product in the form of final verdict which has fixed legal power.

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Inside Tax Edisi 22 - Pengadilan Pajak: Sudahkah Transparan?

Total Downloads 3598

In Indonesia, Tax Court is a judiciary body which conducts judiciary authority to Taxpayers or the bearers of tax who seek justice in tax disputes. Tax Court play a significant role to resolve numerous tax disputes which arise due to different legal interpretation (juridical) by the disputing parties by providing a legal product in the form of final verdict which has fixed legal power.

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