Amalia Imana

Amalia Imana

In my opinion, DANNY DARUSSALAM TAX CENTER (DDTC) is a professional tax consultant that imparts high standards to all employees, both in terms of knowledge quality and morale. Pak Darussalam and Pak Danny as the founders of DDTC, constantly encourage their employees to never quit learning, and share their knowledge, regardless the employees’ status or position. I find it really inspiring me. Furthermore, the friendly and humble attitude of all employees to others, makes me feel very comfortable during internship program at DDTC.

Throughout the internship DDTC, the tasks were practical which I did not learn at campus. I can understand the mindset of a tax consultant in resolving tax dispute cases from the conceptual side of tax legislation laws, as well as from case settling process at tax court. In this regard, I have become accustomed to think critically, thoroughly, with a sense of learning.

DDTC environment itself also strongly supports learning and self- development. DDTC has the most complete and qualified facilities, for instance a library that provides tax books, both domestic and international books, courses taught by qualified experts, which can attended by all employees including intern, for free, as well as scholarship program provided to its employees. It is an honuor for me to be elected from many other students, to be able to participate in this internship program at DANNY DARUSSALAM TAX CENTER (DDTC), in particular at Tax Compliance and Litigation Services division, for about 3 (three) months.

I personally thank DDTC greatly, and I hope that DDTC can become a professional tax reference by prioritizing the knowledge base and research in the field of taxation, and hopefully DDTC can always maintain its quality standards and reputation both nationally and internationally.
Amalia Imana