Ismi Ulya

Ismi Ulya

In order to develop DDTC’s employees’ knowledge, Alhamdulillah I had the opportunity to attend a course with the theme “Getting a Good Deal by Understanding Taxation Aspects of Mergers & Amalgamations and Tax Due Diligence” conducted on 21 March 2017 by the Institute Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA), Singapore. I attained this opportunity through Human Resources Department Program (HRDP) program.

This course was attended by 24 participants who are mostly from Singapore, I and my colleague from DDTC were the only ones from Indonesia. I am proud of the opportunity to attend this course as I gained so much experience. The materials conveyed were interesting as each participant was always asked to actively participate in discussions regarding cases on Mergers and Amalgamations and compare the Regulations in Singapore with those in other countries. Moreover, I made new friends in Singapore.

I would like to thank DDTC for having provided me with this opportunity to obtain this amazing experience to attend the course in Singapore and improve my knowledge regarding Merger, Acquisition, and Tax Due Diligence (TDD). DDTC IS GREAT!