Nicko Valensky

Nicko Valensky

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Nicko Valensky, a student of Fiscal Administration Science class of 2014. I got the opportunity to intern at DDTC in the transfer pricing division for 3 months from June to August 2017. It is an honor and pride to be able to intern at DDTC, considering DDTC is one of the best tax consultants in Indonesia.

My struggle began when I had to follow the selection stage to be able to join the internship program at DDTC. The selection consisted of a test of academic knowledge, a TOEFL test, and an interview. I had to compete with some friends and other students who wanted to get a chance to intern at DDTC. In the end I was elected and got the chance to intern at DDTC. My initial thought when interning at DDTC was that perhaps I would be given only a few light duties considering my status as an intern and had no internship experience at all. However, the initial thinking immediately changed when I got more work burden than what I had imagined. Various tasks were given by seniors in my team, from making industry analysis, analyzing the functions, assets, and risks of a company, to drafting local documents and master documents for TP Documentation. It shows that DDTC gives more responsibility to apprentices. Thus, I am required to have a sense of responsibility and professionalism for the tasks that have been given to me. In addition to the opportunity to work on some of the projects, I have also gained new knowledge and insight around the world of taxation and transfer pricing from seniors in the DDTC. Of course it is a valuable thing for me and useful for my future, both in completing my studies, and when I have completed my studies. I have also been given access to the library at DDTC that aims to add more insight and knowledge.

DDTC also deems interns not as outsiders of the organization and a separate part of DDTC itself, but rather as part of the DDTC family. I was introduced to all the elements in DDTC, i.e. all employees in the Research and Training, Transfer Pricing, Compliance and Litigation, Finance and Administration divisions, and other supporting elements in DDTC. The kinship atmosphere was also felt when I was invited to join the activities, from playing futsal together, eating together, worshipping together, to being invited when the DDTC held A Decade of DDTC held on August 20, 2017 at Putri Duyung, Ancol, North Jakarta. At that time I felt that I was also involved and part of the DDTC’s family. What I can learn from DDTC is that professionalism, integrity, and loyalty to work are important to a tax consultant. However, in addition to this, it is also necessary to familiarize ourselves with good cooperation in doing the work, so that the elements can synergize well to achieve the common goal of DDTC, which is: To be the leading research and knowledge-based tax institution and a center of taxation activities units that serve as main references in the field of taxation.

Interning at DDTC is a very valuable experience for me. Hopefully, this internship experience enables me to keep the spirit of exploring and gaining knowledge about the world of taxation, especially in Indonesia. In addition, it is expected that the professionalism, integrity, loyalty, and kinship that have been established in DDTC will make DDTC as one of the best tax consultants that can impact the tax system in Indonesia and international.
Nicko Valensky