

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Testimonial (Man)
Dingga Wahyudi Riansyah
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal - Universitas Indonesia

I would like to thank Danny Darussalam TaxCenter (DDTC) for giving me the opportunity to ...

Testimonial (Man)
Muhammad Raihan
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal - Universitas Indonesia

This interview was related to my undergraduate thesis research with CFC Rule policy as the ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Sabila Siti Salifida
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal - Universitas Indonesia

DDTC team is very helpful, from their responsiveness and the interview, i.e. Mr. Aji who ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Resha Dwiayu Pangesti Mulyono
Magister Akuntansi - Universitas Airlangga

The interview between the respondents of the research and the interviewer went well with ...

Testimonial (Man)
Adi Wiratno
Akuntansi - PKN STAN

I respect DDTC's commitment to be concerned and fully supportive of researches in the field of ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Ria Rizki Zulfah
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal - Universitas Indonesia

There were some questions that the interviewee did not answer because they are not related to ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Tri Aryani Setyawati
Akuntansi - PKN STAN

Very good, the speaker was communicative and the materials were appropriate.

Testimonial (Woman)
Dyah Santi Palupi
Magister Akuntansi - Universitas Indonesia

The interviewee is very knowledgeable; I gained more information than I had imagined; Friendly ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Puspita Dewi Susanti
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal - Universitas Indonesia

The interviewee was absolutely helpful, and even provided me with additional literature and was ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Tasya Monica Herdina
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal - Universitas Indonesia

The explanation was given in a nice, relaxed and easy-to-understand manner, in details and ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Raissha Adyanara
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal - Universitas Indonesia

The interviewee provided highly informative answers.

Testimonial (Man)
Yusuf Mawardi
Pasca Sarjana Ilmu Administrasi - Universitas Indonesia

I would like to thank DDTC, which has given me "excellent" assistance to me, in particular ...

Testimonial (Man)
Farid Al-Firdaus
Akuntansi - PKN STAN

Mr. Herjuno's responses illustrated some matters to the DGT's internal answers, such as:
- The ...

Testimonial (Man)
Randa Jovian
Administrasi Bisnis - Universitas Brawijaya

Highly recommended for researchers with both national and international topics, even for ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Zaida Ulfah
Administrasi Perpajakan - STIAMI

I obtained a great deal of additional knowledge. The interviewee answered all my questions, ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Riska Dewi Barus
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal - Universitas Indonesia

Interview with Mr. Yusuf: His insight on my undergraduate thesis topic was very good, the point ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Saraswati Aisya
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal - Universitas Indonesia

Having conducted an interview with Mr. Bawono, I obtained interesting and useful information to ...

Testimonial (Man)
Afdhal Usman
Akuntansi - PKN STAN

The response from DDTC was both very fast and responsive. Very helpful for students undergoing ...

Testimonial (Man)
Gian Sugianto
Akuntansi - PKN STAN

Sharing knowledge, suggestions, and feedback on my research was highly convenient. The room and ...

Testimonial (Man)
Andy Prihasto
Akuntansi - PKN STAN

The resource person was friendly, The room is comfortable, Timely interview schedule, ...

Testimonial (Man)
​Hendrie Ardhiansyah
Akuntansi - PKN STAN

The interviewee was able to explain the issue comprehensively.

Testimonial (Woman)
Riscadelia Wenno
Akuntansi Pajak - Universitas Kristen Petra

The interview request process at DDTC this time around is very different from the previous one. ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Peace Kanne Natalia
Magister Akuntansi - Universitas Riau

Mr. Untoro Sejati, the interviewee, was very informative, open to all questions, despite the ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Nastiti Tri Sandy
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal - Universitas Indonesia

First and foremost, I would like to thank Mrs. Deborah as the interviewee for my thesis ...

Testimonial (Man)
Jonrisman Sinaga
Ilmu Administrasi Publik - STIAMI

Thank you, Mr Suharno, for having been extremely helpful with my undergraduate thesis. The ...

Testimonial (Man)
Riha Dedi Priantana
Ilmu Akuntansi - Universitas Diponegoro

I am highly impressed with the friendly and helpful services. I hope that the communication ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Ifti Khori Royhan
Ifti Khori Royhan

DDTC's contribution in the development of knowledge pertaining to international taxation is ...

Testimonial (Woman)
Adiva Harastha
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal - Universitas Indonesia

First and foremost, allow me to convey my heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Khisi Armaya Dhora for her ...

Testimonial (Man)
Adam Leonard Saputra
Ilmu Akuntansi - Universitas Indonesia

DDTC is the impeccable media for those of you in search of "value added" information from ...

Testimonial (Man)
Andhika Patria Mahardhika
Akuntansi - Perbanas Institute

Thank you for everyone at DDTC for having helped me with my questions regarding "taxation on ...

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