Page 4 - Newsletter (Tax Relaxation of Luxurious Housing, Control of Local Tax, and Restructuring of Tax Authority)
P. 4

DDTC Newsletter Vol.01 |  No.09  I  June 2019                                               Page 4 of 7

          Tax Relaxation of Luxurious Housing, Control of Local Tax, and
          Restructuring of Tax Authority

                         Tabel – The Comparison of Layers of Import Duties and Export Duties Underpayment Fines

                        Government Regulation No. 28/2008                   Government Regulation No. 39/2009

               The Amount of Import          Fines                The Amount of Import          Fines
              Duties and Export Duties   (% of import duties or export   Duties and Export Duties   (% of import duties or export
                 Underpayment          duties underpayment)         Underpayment          duties underpayment)
             (% of paid import duties or                        (% of paid import duties or
                  export duties)                                     export duties)
                1) 0 – 25%                   100%                   1) 0 – 50%                  100%
                2) 25.1% – 50%               200%                   2) 50.1% – 100%             125%
                3) 50.1% – 75%               400%                   3) 100.1% – 150%            150%
                4) 75.1% – 100%              700%                   4) 150.1% – 200%            175%
                5) > 100%                    1,000%                 5) 200.1% – 250%            200%
                                                                    6) 250.1% – 300%            225%
                                                                    7) 300.1% – 350%            250%
                                                                    8) 350.1% – 400%            300%
                                                                    9) 400.1% – 450%            600%
                                                                    10) > 450%                  1,000%

          to the underpayment of import duties and export duties   information and communication technology and focuses
          based on previous and prensent regulations.          more on managing the information  from the internal
                                                               units in DGT.
                                                               In essence, the change is as a response to the massive
          Tax Authority Internal Reforms                       exchange of data and information for the tax purposes
                                                               and the ongoing tax reform framework, in which to date,
          On 11 June 2019, the government issued a new regulation   Indonesia itself has implemented automatic exchange of
          stipulating the restructuring of the Directorate General   information  (AEoI)  with  79  participating  jurisdictions
          of  Taxes  (DGT).  This  internal  reform  programme  is   and  69  reportable  jurisdictions  as  stipulated  in
          regulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number   Announcement  Number  PENG-04/PJ/2019  concerning
          87/PMK.01/2019  concerning  the  Amendments  to      the  List  of  Participating  Jurisdictions  and  Reportable
          the  Minister  of  Finance  Regulation  Number  217/  Jurisdictions for the Purpose of Automatic Exchange of
          PMK.01/2018 concerning the Organization and Working   Financial Account Information (PENG-04/PJ/2019).
          Procedure  of  the  Ministry  of  Finance  (MoF  Regulation
          No. 87/2019).                                        In  addition to changing  the two regulations  of the
                                                               two  directorates,  the  authority  has  amended  several
          One  of  the  most  important  points  in  this  regulation   provisions in other directorates, such as the Directorate
          pertains  to  the  establishment  of  the  Directorate  of   of  Taxation  Regulations  I  by  revoking  its  authority
          Tax  Data  and  Information.  In  addition,  the  formerly   regarding the formulation and implementation of policies
          independent Directorate of Tax Information Technology   and technical standardization of acquisition duty of right
          is now merged with the Directorate of Information and   on land and building (Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan
          Communication  Technology  Transformation  and  its   Bangunan/BPHTB).  The  government  has  aso  changed
          name has been changed to the Directorate of Information   the  phrase  legal  assistance  into  advocacy  regarding
          and Communication Technology.                        the  provision  related  to  the  Directorate  of  Taxation
          The  new Directorate  of  Tax Data and Information   Regulations II in this regulation.
          established  through  this  regulation  is  responsible  for   Furthermore,  in  the  Directorate  of  Tax  Potential,
          formulating  and  implementing  policies  and  technical   Compliance, and Revenue, there have been several changes
          standardization in tax data and information or it can be   to the names of the sub-directorates. These changes will
          said that this working unit will focus more on managing   impact on the details of their tasks. The following table
          the  external  data  and  information.  Furthermore,   summarizes the structure of the directorates for the new
          the Directorate of  Information and Communication    governance  of  the  DGT  organization  along  with  their
          Technology  will  be  responsible  for  formulating  and   main  tasks  and  subcomponents  of  direct  assignment
          implementing policies and technical standardization in   under each directorate.
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