Page 6 - Newsletter (Tax Relaxation of Luxurious Housing, Control of Local Tax, and Restructuring of Tax Authority)
P. 6

DDTC Newsletter Vol.01 |  No.09  I  June 2019                                               Page 6 of 7

          Tax Relaxation of Luxurious Housing, Control of Local Tax, and
          Restructuring of Tax Authority

           No           Directorate                Main Tasks                        Sub-Components
           9   Directorate of Tax Dissemination,   To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Tax Dissemination;
               Services, and Public Relations (**)  policies and technical standardization   b) Sub-Directorate of Tax Services;
                                          in tax dissemination, services, and   c) Sub-Directorate of Public Relations;
                                          public relations.             d) Sub-Directorate of Tax Cooperation & Partnership;
                                                                        e) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        f) Group of Functional Officers.
           10  Directorate of Tax Data and   To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Data and Information
               Information (*)            policies and technical standardization   Management;
                                          in tax data and information   b) Sub-Directorate of Internal Data Management;
                                          technology.                   c) Sub-Directorate of External Data Management;
                                                                        d) Sub-Directorate of Data Analysis;
                                                                        e) Sub-Directorate of  Taxpayers’ Compliance Risks
                                                                        and Data Science;
                                                                        f) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        g) Group of Functional Officers.
           11  Directorate of Internal    To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Internal Compliance;
               Compliance and Apparatus   policies and technical standardization   b) Sub-Directorate of Internal Investigation;
               Transformation (**)        in internal compliance and apparatus   c) Sub-Directorate of Organizational Transformation;
                                          transformation.               d) Sub-Directorate of HR Management Development;
                                                                        e) Sub-Directorate of Competency and Capacity
                                                                        f) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        g) Group of Functional Officers.
           12  Directorate of  Information and   To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Information System
               Communication Technology (*)  policies and technical standardization   Management;
                                          in information and communication   b) Sub-Directorate of Tax System Development;
                                          technology                    c) Sub-Directorate of Tax Supporting System
                                                                        d) Sub-Directorate of System and Infrastructure
                                                                        e) Sub-Directorate of Information System Monitoring
                                                                          and Services;
                                                                        f) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        g) Group of Functional Officers.
           13  Directorate of Business Process  To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Tax Dissemination
               Transformation (**)        policies and technical standardization   Development;
                                          in business process transformation.  b) Sub-Directorate of Tax Services Development;
                                                                        c) Sub-Directorate of Law Enforcement Development;
                                                                        d) Sub-Directorate of Tax Extensifcation & Valuation
                                                                        e) Sub-Directorate of Transformation Management;
                                                                        f) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        g) Group of Functional Officers.
           14  Directorate of International   To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Tax Treaty & International
               Taxation (**)              policies and technical standardization   Cooperation;
                                          in international taxation.    b) Sub-Directorate of International Tax Dispute
                                                                          Prevention & Resolution;
                                                                        c) Sub-Directorate of International Tax Information
                                                                        d) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        e) Group of Functional Officers.
           15  Directorate of Tax Intelligent (**)  To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Strategic Intelligence;
                                          policies and technical standardization   b) Sub-Directorate of Tax Potential Optimization
                                          in tax intelligence.          Intelligence;
                                                                        c) Sub-Directorate of Law Enforcement Intelligence;
                                                                        d) Sub-Directorate of Intelligence Operation;
                                                                        e) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        f) Group of Functional Officers.

                           Source: summarized from MoF Regulation No. 87/2019 (*) and MoF Regulation No. 217/2018 (**)
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