Page 5 - Newsletter (Tax Relaxation of Luxurious Housing, Control of Local Tax, and Restructuring of Tax Authority)
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DDTC Newsletter Vol.01 |  No.09  I  June 2019                                               Page 5 of 7

          Tax Relaxation of Luxurious Housing, Control of Local Tax, and
          Restructuring of Tax Authority

                       Table 2 – Structure, Main Function, and Sub-Components of Each Directorate’s Direct Assignments

           No           Directorate                Main Tasks                        Sub-Components

           1   Secretariat of the Directorate   To coordinate the task   a) Organization and Procedure Division;
               General (**)               implementation and to guide as well   b) HR Planning, Development & Retirement Division;
                                          as to provide administrative support   c) Job Rotation & Rank Division;
                                          to all units within DGT.      d) Finance Division;
                                                                        e) Logistic Division; and
                                                                        f) General Affairs Division.
           2   Directorate of Taxation    To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of General Provisions and Tax
               Regulations I (*)          policies and technical standardization   Procedures and Tax Collection with Distress
                                          pertaining to general provisions and   Warrant Regulations;
                                          tax procedures, tax collection with   b) Sub-Directorate of VAT Regulations on Industry;
                                          coerce warrant, Value Added Tax and   c) Sub-Directorate of VAT Regulations on Trade and
                                          Sales Tax on Luxury Goods, Other   Services & Other Indirect Tax Regulations;
                                          Indirect Taxes, and Land and Building   d) Sub-Directorate of Land and Building Tax and
                                          Tax.                            Conveyance Tax Regulations;
                                                                        e) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        f) Group of Functional Officers.
           3   Directorate of Taxation    To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Corporate Income Tax
               Regulations II (**)        policies and technical standardization   Regulations;
                                          in income tax regulations, advocacy,   b) Sub-Directorate of Withholding Tax & Individual
                                          guidance, implementing advocacy,   Income Tax Regulations;
                                          and harmonizing tax regulations.  c) Sub-Directorate of Advocacy;
                                                                        d) Sub-Directorate of Taxation Regulations
                                                                        e) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        f) Group of Functional Officers.
           4   Directorate of Tax Audit and   To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Tax Audit Planning;
               Collection (**)            policies and technical standardization   b) Sub-Directorate of Tax Audit Techniques & Control;
                                          in tax audit and collection.  c) Sub-Directorate of Tax Audit on Specific
                                                                        d) Sub-Directorate of Tax Audit Cooperation &
                                                                        e) Sub-Directorate of Tax Collection;
                                                                        f) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        g) Group of Functional Officers.
           5   Directorate of Law Enforcement   To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Preliminary Evidence Tax Audit;
               (**)                       technical policies and standardization   b) Sub-Directorate of Investigation;
                                          in tax law enforcement.       c) Sub-Directorate of Forensic and Evidence;
                                                                        d) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        e) Group of Functional Officers.
           6   Directorate of  Tax Extensification   To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Tax Extensifcation;
               and Valuation (**)         policies and technical standardization   b) Sub-Directorate of Data Collection;
                                          in tax extensification and valuation.  c) Sub-Directorate of Valuation I;
                                                                        d) Sub-Directorate of Valuation II;
                                                                        e) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        f) Group of Functional Officers.
           7   Directorate of Tax Objections and  To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Tax Remission and Objection;
               Appeals (**)               policies and technical standardization   b) Sub-Directorate of Tax Appeals and Lawsuit I;
                                          in objection and appeal.      c) Sub-Directorate of Tax Appeals and Lawsuit II;
                                                                        d) Sub-Directorate of Review and Evaluation;
                                                                        e) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        f) Group of Functional Officers.
           8   Directorate of Tax Potential,  To formulate and to implement   a) Sub-Directorate of Tax Potential;
               Compliance, and Revenue (*) and   policies and technical standardization   b) Sub-Directorate of Tax Policies Impact;
               (**)                       in tax potential, compliance, and   c) Sub-Directorate of Taxpayers Compliance and
                                          revenue.                        Supervision;
                                                                        d) Sub-Directorate of Revenue Administration and
                                                                        e) Administrative Affairs Sub-Division; and
                                                                        f) Group of Functional Officers.
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