STHI Jentera Participates in the National Moot Court Competition

STHI Jentera Participates in the National Moot Court Competition

JAKARTA, DDTCNews – With direct support from DDTC through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Jentera participated in a national-level moot court competition.

In the moot court competition entitled ‘Anti Money Laundering V’, the Moot Court Team of Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Jentera (STHI Jentera) contended with 15 other teams. The competition took place on 3-4 November 2018 and was held by the Trisakti University Moot Court OTF.

The STHI Jentera Moot Court Team presented a trial session simulation on money laundering in the oil and gas sector. They associated beneficial ownership in the context of tax and money laundering.

Debby Thalita, one of the participants of this competition, claimed to have obtained new knowledge, ranging from the preparation of investigation files to trial simulations. The STHI Jentera Moot Court Team battled all through the elimination round.

“We obtained new knowledge throughout the compilation of investigation files to trial simulations with golden time. Thank you, DDTC for the sponsorship and concern for education, “she stated.

Ayu Fatma, one of the delegates from STHI Jentera, admitted that publicly-accessible DDTC Library has helped her a great deal. With its vast collection of more than 2,500 books, she explained, DDTC Library was very useful in the preparation of the flow of cases in the moot court.

“DDTC Library has a complete collection of useful books in compiling the flow of position cases. The facilities at DDTC Library are exceptional, “she disclosed.

The STHI Jentera Moot Court Team, she continued, was aided by the knowledge-sharing provided by DDTC professionals. The knowledge of beneficial ownership in the context of tax and money laundering is closely-related to this competition.

In the competition held at the Central Jakarta District Court, UPN Veteran Jakarta won the first place. The second and third place were awarded to Universitas Negeri Semarang and Sebelas Maret University, respectively.

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JAKARTA, DDTCNews – With direct support from DDTC through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Jentera participated in a national-level moot court competition.

In the moot court competition entitled ‘Anti Money Laundering V’, the Moot Court Team of Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Jentera (STHI Jentera) contended with 15 other teams. The competition took place on 3-4 November 2018 and was held by the Trisakti University Moot Court OTF.

The STHI Jentera Moot Court Team presented a trial session simulation on money laundering in the oil and gas sector. They associated beneficial ownership in the context of tax and money laundering.

Debby Thalita, one of the participants of this competition, claimed to have obtained new knowledge, ranging from the preparation of investigation files to trial simulations. The STHI Jentera Moot Court Team battled all through the elimination round.

“We obtained new knowledge throughout the compilation of investigation files to trial simulations with golden time. Thank you, DDTC for the sponsorship and concern for education, “she stated.

Ayu Fatma, one of the delegates from STHI Jentera, admitted that publicly-accessible DDTC Library has helped her a great deal. With its vast collection of more than 2,500 books, she explained, DDTC Library was very useful in the preparation of the flow of cases in the moot court.

“DDTC Library has a complete collection of useful books in compiling the flow of position cases. The facilities at DDTC Library are exceptional, “she disclosed.

The STHI Jentera Moot Court Team, she continued, was aided by the knowledge-sharing provided by DDTC professionals. The knowledge of beneficial ownership in the context of tax and money laundering is closely-related to this competition.

In the competition held at the Central Jakarta District Court, UPN Veteran Jakarta won the first place. The second and third place were awarded to Universitas Negeri Semarang and Sebelas Maret University, respectively.

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