Page 49 - InsideTax Edisi 38th (Aksi BEPS: Menangkal Penggerusan Basis Pajak)
P. 49

Keep going international...

              Memberikan sumbangsih bagi kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan khususnya di bidang perpajakan, merupakan komitmen yang selalu
                                     dipegang teguh oleh DANNY DARUSSALAM Tax Center (DDTC).
                 DDTC kembali berpartisipasi dalam penerbitan sebuah edisi keempat buku The Tax Disputes and Litigation Review
             terbitan Law Business Research Limited, penerbit yang menjadi pemenang  di berbagai penghargaan dalam international business
                                                law dan international legal markets.

            uku ini ini akan membekali para praktisi pajak dengan kerangka
            dasar isu sengketa pajak yang terjadi di berbagai yurisdiksi. Pada
        Bedisi ke-4 ini, setiap babnya akan menyajikan kerangka hukum
        terkait proses bersengketa dari tahap upaya administrasi sampai
        upaya hukum di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia. Khusus untuk
        Indonesia penulis dari Danny Darussalam Tax Center melengkapi
        analisisnya dengan berbagai perkembangan terkini secara kebijakan
        dan perkembangan putusan-putusan Mahkamah Agung terkait
        penyelesaian sengketa perpajakan di Indonesia.

                                Chapter 16
                                 Chapter 16
                                  Chapter 16
                                   Chapter 16
                               David Hamzah Damian 1  Chapter 16
                                David Hamzah Damian 1
                                  David Hamzah Damian 1
                                   INDONESIA                         Pesan e-book
                                  David Hamzah Damian 1
                                    David Hamzah Damian 1
                        I   INTRODUCTION
                          I   INTRODUCTION
                        Tax disputes in Indonesia involve local government administration by the revenue
                          Tax disputes in Indonesia involve local government administration by the revenue
                        authority of the province and regency, and central government taxes administered by the
                            Tax disputes in Indonesia involve local government administration by the revenue
                          authority of the province and regency, and central government taxes administered by the
                            authority of the province and regency, and central government taxes administered by the
                        Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) and the Directorate
                          Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) and the Directorate
                        General of Customs and Excise (DGCE). Procedures for dispute resolution are governed
                            Tax disputes in Indonesia involve local government administration by the revenue
                            Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) and the Directorate
                              Tax disputes in Indonesia involve local government administration by the revenue
                          General of Customs and Excise (DGCE). Procedures for dispute resolution are governed
                            authority of the province and regency, and central government taxes administered by the
                        by the Local Tax Law at administrative level for local government taxes; by the Customs   sekarang!
                            General of Customs and Excise (DGCE). Procedures for dispute resolution are governed
                              authority of the province and regency, and central government taxes administered by the
                          by the Local Tax Law at administrative level for local government taxes; by the Customs
                            by the Local Tax Law at administrative level for local government taxes; by the Customs
                            Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) and the Directorate
                        Law and the Excises Law for taxes administered by the DGCE; and by the General Rules
                              Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) and the Directorate
                          Law and the Excises Law for taxes administered by the DGCE; and by the General Rules
                            General of Customs and Excise (DGCE). Procedures for dispute resolution are governed
                            Law and the Excises Law for taxes administered by the DGCE; and by the General Rules
                        of Taxation Law (the GRT Law) for taxes administered by the DGT.
                              General of Customs and Excise (DGCE). Procedures for dispute resolution are governed
                          of Taxation Law (the GRT Law) for taxes administered by the DGT.
                            by the Local Tax Law at administrative level for local government taxes; by the Customs
                            of Taxation Law (the GRT Law) for taxes administered by the DGT.
                              by the Local Tax Law at administrative level for local government taxes; by the Customs
                         The number of tax disputes filed for resolution in the Tax Court for 2014 amounted
                            Law and the Excises Law for taxes administered by the DGCE; and by the General Rules
                           The number of tax disputes filed for resolution in the Tax Court for 2014 amounted
                              Law and the Excises Law for taxes administered by the DGCE; and by the General Rules
                             The number of tax disputes filed for resolution in the Tax Court for 2014 amounted
                        to 10,866 applications, increased by 29.37 per cent compared with 2013 tax disputes
                            to 10,866 applications, increased by 29.37 per cent compared with 2013 tax disputes
                            of Taxation Law (the GRT Law) for taxes administered by the DGT.
                          to 10,866 applications, increased by 29.37 per cent compared with 2013 tax disputes
                              of Taxation Law (the GRT Law) for taxes administered by the DGT.
                            applications. 2  Tax Court Decisions issued in 2014 is 8,845 increased by 19.92 per cent
                          applications. 2  Tax Court Decisions issued in 2014 is 8,845 increased by 19.92 per cent
                        applications. 2  Tax Court Decisions issued in 2014 is 8,845 increased by 19.92 per cent
                               The number of tax disputes filed for resolution in the Tax Court for 2014 amounted
                              The number of tax disputes filed for resolution in the Tax Court for 2014 amounted
                            to 10,866 applications, increased by 29.37 per cent compared with 2013 tax disputes
                        compared to 2013. The large number of tax disputes filed for resolution in the Tax Court
                            compared to 2013. The large number of tax disputes filed for resolution in the Tax Court
                          compared to 2013. The large number of tax disputes filed for resolution in the Tax Court
                              to 10,866 applications, increased by 29.37 per cent compared with 2013 tax disputes
                              applications. 2  Tax Court Decisions issued in 2014 is 8,845 increased by 19.92 per cent
                            applications. 2  Tax Court Decisions issued in 2014 is 8,845 increased by 19.92 per cent
                            is the result of enforcement of official assessment in Indonesia when an assessment result
                          is the result of enforcement of official assessment in Indonesia when an assessment result
                        is the result of enforcement of official assessment in Indonesia when an assessment result
                              compared to 2013. The large number of tax disputes filed for resolution in the Tax Court
                            compared to 2013. The large number of tax disputes filed for resolution in the Tax Court
                            is deemed incorrect by a taxpayer where 45.12 per cent of Tax Court Decisions fully in
                        is deemed incorrect by a taxpayer where 45.12 per cent of Tax Court Decisions fully in
                          is deemed incorrect by a taxpayer where 45.12 per cent of Tax Court Decisions fully in
                              is the result of enforcement of official assessment in Indonesia when an assessment result
                            is the result of enforcement of official assessment in Indonesia when an assessment result
                            favour of taxpayers, 16.17 per cent partially in favour of taxpayers, and 27.57 per cent
                          favour of taxpayers, 16.17 per cent partially in favour of taxpayers, and 27.57 per cent
                              is deemed incorrect by a taxpayer where 45.12 per cent of Tax Court Decisions fully in
                        favour of taxpayers, 16.17 per cent partially in favour of taxpayers, and 27.57 per cent
                            denied the request from taxpayer. The amount of tax disputes carried over to civil review
                            is deemed incorrect by a taxpayer where 45.12 per cent of Tax Court Decisions fully in
                          denied the request from taxpayer. The amount of tax disputes carried over to civil review
                              favour of taxpayers, 16.17 per cent partially in favour of taxpayers, and 27.57 per cent
                        denied the request from taxpayer. The amount of tax disputes carried over to civil review
                            favour of taxpayers, 16.17 per cent partially in favour of taxpayers, and 27.57 per cent
                            requested at the Supreme Court in 2014 is 1,162 cases, the largest among 2,617 total
                          requested at the Supreme Court in 2014 is 1,162 cases, the largest among 2,617 total
                              denied the request from taxpayer. The amount of tax disputes carried over to civil review
                        requested at the Supreme Court in 2014 is 1,162 cases, the largest among 2,617 total
                            denied the request from taxpayer. The amount of tax disputes carried over to civil review
                            cases. 3  Typically, increased official assessment is caused by a high tax revenue target. In
                              requested at the Supreme Court in 2014 is 1,162 cases, the largest among 2,617 total
                          cases. 3  Typically, increased official assessment is caused by a high tax revenue target. In
                        cases. 3  Typically, increased official assessment is caused by a high tax revenue target. In
                            requested at the Supreme Court in 2014 is 1,162 cases, the largest among 2,617 total
                              cases. 3  Typically, increased official assessment is caused by a high tax revenue target. In
                            cases. 3  Typically, increased official assessment is caused by a high tax revenue target. In
                            1   David Hamzah Damian is the partner of tax compliance and litigation services at Danny
                               David Hamzah Damian is the partner of tax compliance and litigation services at Danny
                             Darussalam Tax Center.
                          1   David Hamzah Damian is the partner of tax compliance and litigation services at Danny
                               Darussalam Tax Center.
                        1   David Hamzah Damian is the partner of tax compliance and litigation services at Danny
                    Accessed on 13 December 2015.
                              David Hamzah Damian is the partner of tax compliance and litigation services at Danny
                           Darussalam Tax Center.
                      Accessed on 13 December 2015.
                              Darussalam Tax Center.
                         Darussalam Tax Center.  Law Reviews
                  Accessed on 13 December 2015.
                     Accessed on 13 December 2015.
                        2 Accessed on 13 December 2015.
                                  187  187
                                                                                          e-Book and PDF
                            ditulis oleh:                                           The Tax Disputes and
                      David Hamzah Damian                                             Litigation Review
                  Partner Tax Compliance & Litigation Services                          Editor: Simon Whitehead,
                      DANNY DARUSSALAM Tax Center                                       Joseph Hage Aaronson LLP
                                                                                              Edition 4
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                          The Tax DispuTes anD LiTigaTion Review
                    eDiToR: simon whiTeheaD, Joseph hage aaRonson LLp
                                          eDiTion 4
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