Page 2 - Newsletter (VAT on Digital Goods and Services from Overseas and The Resuming of Trial Proceedings and Tax Court Services)
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DDTC Newsletter Vol.03 |  No.11  I  May 2020                                                Page 2 of 7

          VAT on Digital Goods and Services from Overseas and
          The Resuming of Trial Proceedings and Tax Court Services

          VAT  for  the Utilization  of  Intangible            use or right to use copyright in the field of literature,
          Taxable      Goods       and/or       Taxable        art  or  scientific  work,  patents,  designs  or  models,
          Services  from Overseas Through                      plans,  secret  formulas  or  processes,  trademarks,  or
                                                               forms  of  intellectual/industrial  property  rights  or
          PMSE                                                 other similar rights.

          The  government has  issued  a regulation  on the    Second, the use or right to use industrial, commercial,
          imposition  of  Value  Added  Tax  (VAT)  on  intangible   or  scientific  tools/equipment.  Third, the use of
          taxable goods (Barang Kena Pajak/BKP) and taxable    knowledge or information in the scientific, technical,
          services  (Jasa Kena  Pajak/JKP)  from  outside  the   industrial,  or  commercial  sectors.  Fourth,  the use of
          customs  area  (overseas)  which  are  carried  out  via   additional or complementary assistance in relation to
          Trade  Through  Electronic  Systems  (Perdagangan    the use of the aforementioned rights.
          Melalui Sistem Elektronik/PMSE).                     Fifth, the use or right to use motion picture films, films,

          The  abovementioned regulation  refers  to the       or  videotapes  for  television  broadcasts,  or  sound
          Minister of Finance Regulation No. 48/PMK.03/2020    tapes for radio broadcasts. Sixth, the acquisition of all
          concerning  Procedures  for  the  Appointment  of    or part of rights that relate to the use or granting of
          Withholders, Withholding and Deposit, and Reporting   intellectual/industrial property rights or other rights.
          of  Value  Added  Tax  on  the  Utilization  of  Intangible   Seventh, the use of digital goods.
          Taxable Goods and/or Taxable Services from Outside
                                                               This regulation defines digital goods as any intangible
          the  Customs  Area  within  the  Customs  Area  through   goods in the form of electronic or digital information,
          Trade through Electronic Systems (MoF Reg. 48/2020).  including  goods  that  are the result  of conversion  or
          Promulgated on 5 May 2020, this regulation will come   goods  that  are in electronic form, including  but  not
          into force on 1 July 2020 and implement the provisions   limited to software, multimedia, and/or electronic
          of  Article  6  paragraph  (13)  point  a  of  Government   data. On another note, the utilization of digital services
          Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 1 of 2020 concerning   from abroad will be subject to VAT.
          State Financial Policies and Financial System Stability   Further,  PMSE  business  players  to  be  appointed  as
          to  Address  the  Corona  Virus  Disease  (Covid-19)   PMSE VAT withholders are those whose transactions
          Pandemic  and/or  to  Counter  Threats  that  Endanger   with buyers of goods and/or recipients of services in
          the  National  Economy  and/or  Financial  System    Indonesia exceed a certain amount within 12 months.
          Stability  (Perppu  No.  1/2020) which mandates the
                                                               Moreover, another criterion that may also be used to
          imposition of VAT on PMSE activities.
                                                               determine the appointment of a PMSE business player
          VAT on the utilization  of intangible  BKP  and/or JKP   as a PPN PMSE withholder by the Minister of Finance
          from outside the customs  area shall  be withheld,   is the amount of traffic or access exceeding a certain
          deposited,  and  reported  by  PMSE  business  players   amount within 12 months.
          appointed by the Minister of Finance as withholders. A
                                                               The amount of transaction and traffic or access will be
          PMSE business player refers to an individual or entity
                                                               stipulated by the Director General of Taxes. Likewise,
          conducting business in the PMSE sector.
                                                               the  authority  to  appoint  a  PMSE  VAT  withholder
          PMSE business players may take the form of foreign   will be delegated from the Minister of Finance to the
          traders,  overseas  service  providers,  foreign  PMSE
                                                               Director General of Taxes. The appointment as a PMSE
          providers (PPMSE), and/or domestic PPMSE. PPMSE      VAT withholder will take effect as of the beginning of
          refers  to  a  business  player  that  provides  electronic   the following month after the date of the appointment
          communication facilities used for trade transactions.  decree.
          Foreign traders or service providers, on the other hand,   PMSE business players appointed as withholders will
          are individuals or entities that  reside  or  domiciled   be given an identification number as a means of tax
          outside  customs  areas  that  carry  out  transactions   administration.  Moreover,  PMSE  business  players
          with buyers within customs areas through electronic   that meet the criteria but have not been appointed as
          systems.                                             PMSE VAT withholders may submit a notification to

          In further detail, the utilization of intangible BKP from   the Director General of Taxes to be appointed as PMSE
          outside the customs area through the PMSE on which   VAT withholders.
          VAT is imposed is categorized into 7 types. First, the
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