Page 3 - Newsletter (VAT on Digital Goods and Services from Overseas and The Resuming of Trial Proceedings and Tax Court Services)
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DDTC Newsletter Vol.03 |  No.11  I  May 2020                                                Page 3 of 7

          VAT on Digital Goods and Services from Overseas and
          The Resuming of Trial Proceedings and Tax Court Services

          Other than the  withholder  criteria,  under  this   to submit a detailed report on PMSE VAT transactions
          regulation,  the  government  stipulates  three  criteria   for each period in one calendar year.
          of buyers of goods or recipients of services that are
                                                               The detailed transaction report must at least contain
          subject to VAT. First, residing or domiciled in Indonesia.
                                                               information  on  the  number  and  date  of  the  VAT
          Buyers of goods or recipients of services are considered
                                                               withholding  slip,  the  amount  of  payment,  and  the
          to meet this criterion if their correspondence or billing
                                                               amount of VAT withheld. The report must also include
          address is situated or located or within the Indonesian   the name and taxpayer identification number (Nomor
                                                               Pokok Wajib  Pajak/NPWP)  of  the  buyer  of  goods
          Further, buyers of goods or recipients of services are   and/or recipient of services in the event that the VAT
          considered to reside or domiciled in Indonesia if the   withholding slip lists the NPWP of the buyer of goods
          country  selected  upon  registration  on  the  website   or recipient of services.
          and/or  available  system  and/or  determined  by  the
          PMSE VAT withholder is Indonesia.
                                                               Ratification of Government Regulation
          Second,  making  payments  using  debit,  credit,  and/
          or  other  payment  facilities  provided  by  institutions   in Lieu of Law No. 1/2020 as a Law
          in  Indonesia.  Third,  conducting  transactions  using
                                                               The government, together with  the House  of
          Indonesian internet protocol addresses or telephone
                                                               Representatives  (Dewan Perwakilan  Rakyat/DPR)
          numbers with Indonesian telephone codes.
                                                               has  ratified  Government  Regulation  in  Lieu  of  Law
          These three criteria are not necessarily accumulative.   (Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang/
          This implies that if one of the criteria is met, the buyers   Perppu)  No.  1  of  2020  in  the  DPR  plenary  meeting.
          of goods or recipients of services will be subject to VAT.   This  ratification  is  outlined  in  Law  No.  2  of  2020
          The applicable VAT rate is 10% of the value of money   concerning the Ratification of Government Regulation
          without VAT that is paid and withheld upon payment.  in Lieu of Law No. 1 of 2020 concerning State Financial
                                                               Policies and Financial System Stability to Address the
          PMSE VAT withholders must produce VAT withholding
                                                               Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic and/
          slip in the form of commercial invoices, billing, order
                                                               or  to  Counter  the  Threats  that  Harm  the  National
          receipts,  or  similar  documents,  that  states  that  VAT
                                                               Economy and/or Financial System Stability into a Law
          has been withheld and paid for. These documents are
                                                               (Law No. 2/2020). This law has come into force as of
          equivalent to a tax invoice.
                                                               18 May 2020.
          Further, the PMSE VAT withholder is obliged to deposit
                                                               The general elucidation of Law No. 2/2020 states that
          the withheld VAT for each tax period no later than the
                                                               the  Covid-19  pandemic  has  significantly  disrupted
          end of the following month after the tax period ends.
                                                               economic activities and resulted in major implications
          This VAT deposit is made electronically to an account
                                                               for the economy of most countries around the world,
          in  rupiah,  United  States  dollars,  or  other  foreign
                                                               including  Indonesia.  Indonesia’s  economic  growth
          currencies stipulated by the Director General of Taxes.
                                                               which is expected to fall by up to 4% or lower, depends
          The  PMSE  VAT  withholder  is  subsequently  required   on how long and how severe the spread of the Covid-19
          to  report  VAT  that  has  been  withheld  and  paid  for   pandemic  affects  or  even  paralyzes  community  and
          quarterly for three tax periods. The report is submitted   economic activities.
          no later than the end of the following month after the
                                                               The  disruptions  to  economic  activities  will  have
          quarterly period ends.
                                                               implications for changes in the state budget posture of
          The quarterly report must at least contain information   the 2020 budget year, in terms of state revenue, state
          on the number of buyers of goods and/or recipients of   expenditure, and financing. State financial and fiscal
          services, the amount of payment, the amount of VAT   policy  responses  are  called  for  to  address  the  risks
          withheld,  and  the  amount  of  VAT  paid  for  each  tax   of  the  Covid-19  pandemic.  The  implications  of  the
          period. The report is in electronic form and submitted   Covid-19 pandemic have also resulted in the threat of
          through  an  application  or  system  stipulated  and/or   a deteriorating financial system. Measures to address
          provided by the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT).  these  implications  may  lead  to  macroeconomic  and
          Moreover, MoF Reg. 48/2020 authorizes the Director   financial  system  instability  in  need  of  mitigations.
          General of Taxes to request the PMSE VAT withholder   Perppu No. 1/2020 was, thus, issued.
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