Page 6 - Newsletter (VAT on Digital Goods and Services from Overseas and The Resuming of Trial Proceedings and Tax Court Services)
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DDTC Newsletter Vol.03 |  No.11  I  May 2020                                                Page 6 of 7

          VAT on Digital Goods and Services from Overseas and
          The Resuming of Trial Proceedings and Tax Court Services

          Moreover, documents and evidence presented before    Court Circular No. SE-03/PP/2020 as Last Amended
          the  panel  of  judges/single  judge  must  comply  with   by SE-06/PP/2020.
          the procedures for preventing Covid-19 spread. This
                                                               Other  than  emphasizing  the  suspension  period,  SE-
          regulation also authorizes the panel of judges/single
                                                               11/2020  provides  elucidation  on  the  prevention
          judge to stipulate other trial-related matters.
                                                               period  of  Covid-19  spread  not  being  taken  into
          Similar  to  trial  proceedings,  appeal,  and/or  lawsuit   account in the deadlines of direct filing of appeals and
          services,  requests  for  judicial  review,  information,   lawsuits to the Tax Court. These provisions conform to
          and other letters may be submitted directly starting   SE-03/2020 as last amended by SE-09/2020.
          8  June  2020.  The  same  applies  to  the  services  of
                                                               As  per  point  5  paragraph  a  of  the  SE-03/2020,  if
          sending copies of tax court decisions and copies of the
                                                               the  submission  deadline  of  direct  appeals  is  in  the
          decisions on judicial reviews.
                                                               period  of  prevention  period  of  Covid-19  spread,  the
          All administrative services must be carried out based   deadline will be deferred for the number of days of the
          on  four  conditions.  First,  taking  into account  the   prevention period of the Covid-19 spread.
          physical distancing between officers and service users.
                                                               Moreover,  SE-11/2020  reiterates  the  prevention
          Second,  officers  and  service  users  are  required  to   period of Covid-19 spread within the tax court from 17
          wear masks, wash their hands using water/antiseptic   March 2020 to 7 June 2020 or for 83 days. This implies
          liquids, and not to make physical contact when services   that if the deadline for a direct appeal was originally in
          are  provided.  Third, the submission  of  documents   the prevention period of Covid-19 spread, it is subject
          must  comply  with  guidelines  for  preventing  the   to an 83-day suspension.
          spread of Covid-19, for instance, the documents must
                                                               The appendix of this circular also outlines the details
          be wrapped in plastic or sterilized.
                                                               of  the  submission  deadline  for  direct  appeals.  For
          Fourth,  officers  who  inspect  submitted  documents   instance,  a  direct  appeal  of  which  the  submission
          are obliged  to use masks, gloves, and/or use hand   deadline  was  on  17  March  shall  be  suspended  to  8
          sanitizers.                                          June 2020.
          Further,  this  regulation  outlines  that  the  tax  court   Next, as per point 6 paragraph a of SE-03/PP/2020, the
          secretary, with the approval of the chairperson of the   direct filing deadline for lawsuits within the prevention
          tax  court,  may  arrange  the  schedule  of  the  services,   period of Covid-19 spread will  be suspended for no
          the  number  of  officers,  the  maximum  number  of   later  than  14  days  since  the  end  of  the  prevention
          service users per day, and other matters needed for   period of Covid-19 spread.
          convenient services.
                                                               In  the  event  that  the  direct  filing  deadline  for
          Moreover,  the  extension  of  the  prevention  period   lawsuits was originally within the prevention period
          has resulted in an 83-day suspension of the deadline   of Covid-19 spread, it will be suspended for no later
          for  direct  appeals  falling  during  that  period.  This   than 14 days since the end of the prevention period of
          suspension is longer than the previous regulation that   Covid-19 spread or no later than 21 June 2020.
          stipulated a 77-day suspension.
                                                               The  provisions  regarding  other  periods,  such  as
          The affirmation on the suspension is outlined in the   the  preparation  period  for  trial  proceedings,    the
          Chairperson of Tax Court Circular No. SE-11/PP/2020   implementation  of  trial  proceedings,  the  filing  of
          concerning  the  Explanation  on  the  Deadline  for  the   appeals by post, filing of lawsuits by post, and other
          Submission  of  Appeals  and  Lawsuits  Submitted    stipulations continue to refer to all the provisions in
          Directly Based on Chairperson of Tax Court Circular   SE-03/2020.
          No.  SE-03/PP/2020  as  Last  Amended  by  SE-09/
                                                               All circulars on trial proceedings and administrative
          PP/2020 (SE-11/2020).
                                                               services within the tax court are subject to periodical
          This  regulation  has  come into  force  as of  its   evaluations as per the Central Government/Regional
          promulgation  date,  26  May  2020.  This  regulation   Governments’ directives or policies on the handling of
          concurrently  revokes  the  Chairperson  of  the  Tax   Covid-19.
          Court  Circular  No.SE-08/PP/2020  concerning  the
          Explanation on the Deadline for Appeals and LawSuits
          Submitted  Directly  based  on  Chairperson  of  the  Tax
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