Page 5 - Newsletter (VAT on Digital Goods and Services from Overseas and The Resuming of Trial Proceedings and Tax Court Services)
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DDTC Newsletter Vol.03 |  No.11  I  May 2020                                                Page 5 of 7

          VAT on Digital Goods and Services from Overseas and
          The Resuming of Trial Proceedings and Tax Court Services

          Automatic Extension of the Certificate               Period of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)
          of the Centralization  of Location  of               Spread  within  the  Tax  Court  (SE-03/2020) remain
          VAT Payable                                          valid
                                                               The  extended  prevention  period  implies  that  trial
          DGT automatically extends the validity of decrees on   proceedings  in  Jakarta,  which  were  originally  set  to
          the  centralization  of  location  of  VAT  payable  which   resume on 2 June 2020, shall be postponed to 8 June
          ends at force majeure due to the corona virus disease   2020. Trial Proceedings Outside Domicile (Sidang Di
          2019 (Covid-19) pandemic.                            Luar Tempat Kedudukan/SDTK), however, will be held
                                                               and subject to further provisions.
          The automatic extension is outlined in Announcement
          No.  PENG-5/PJ.09/2020  concerning  Announcement     Changes in the implementation of trial proceedings are
          of the Extension of Decrees on the Centralization of   stipulated under the Chairperson of Tax Court Circular
          Location of VAT Payable.                             No.  SE-10/PP/2020  concerning  the  Procedures  of
                                                               Trial Proceedings and Administrative Services during
          The extension is granted for decrees concerning the
                                                               the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic
          approval on VAT payable centralization for which the
                                                               within the Tax Court (SE-10/2020).
          extension is to be notified in January 2020 to May 2020
          at  the  latest,  with  the  validity  of  the  centralization   Promulgated on 26 May 2020, this regulation has come
          ending in the March-July 2020 tax period.            into  effect  thereafter.  This  regulation  concurrently
                                                               revokes Chairperson of Tax Court Circular No. SE-07/
          However,  if  a  taxable  person  for  VAT  purposes
                                                               PP/2020 concerning the Guidelines for Procedures of
          (Pengusaha Kena Pajak/PKP) wishes not to extend the
                                                               Trial Proceedings and Administrative Services during
          decree on the centralization of location of VAT payable,
                                                               the 2019 Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic
          the PKP must submit written notification to the Head
                                                               within the Tax Court (SE-07/2020).
          of the DGT Regional Office.
                                                               In addition to regulating when trial proceedings shall
                                                               be held, the regulation  sets forth the guidelines for
          Implementation of Trial Proceedings                  trial  proceedings  and  administrative  services  within
          and Administrative Services During                   the tax court during the Covid-19 pandemic.
          the Prevention Period  of  Covid-19                  The guidelines take into account measures to prevent
          Spread                                               the  spread  of  Covid-19  within  the  tax  court  and
                                                               protect all tax court judges, court clerks, employees,
          The Tax Court has once again extended the prevention   and service users.
          period of the corona virus disease (Covid-19) spread
                                                               This  regulation  outlines  that  four  parties  may  be
          within the Tax Court.
                                                               present in one courtroom at each hearing, namely:
          This  extension  is  outlined  in  the  Chairperson  of
                                                                 i.   panel of judges/a single judge;
          the  Court  Circular  No.  SE-09/PP/2020  concerning
          the  Fourth  Amendment  to  the  Chairperson  of  Tax   ii.   alternate registrar accompanied by a maximum
          Court  Circular  No.SE-03/PP/2020  concerning  the          of  one  alternate  assistant  secretary  and  one
          Guidelines  for  the  Adjustments  to  Trial  Proceedings   acting official;
          and  Administrative  Services  During  the  Prevention   iii.   the  parties  (appellant/suitor  and  appellee/
          Period of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)
                                                                      defendant) of a maximum of two persons;
          Spread within the Tax Court (SE-09/2020).
                                                                iv.   other  parties  subject  to  the  approval  of  the
          Under  this  regulation,  the  prevention  period  of  the   panel of judges/single judge.
          Covid-19  spread  within  the  Tax  Court  formerly  set
                                                               In addition, trial proceedings must be held with due
          from 17 March 2020 to 1 June 2020 has been revised
                                                               regard  to  physical  distancing  between  the  panel  of
          to 17 March 2020 to 7 June 2020.
                                                               judges/single judge, alternate registrar, and the parties.
          Despite the extended prevention period, this regulation
                                                               The panel of judges/single judge, alternate registrar,
          stipulates that other provisions in the Chairperson of   and the parties are also required to wear masks, wash
          the Tax Court Circular No.SE-03/PP/2020 concerning   their hands using water/antiseptic liquid, and not to
          the Guidelines for the Adjustments to Trial Proceedings   make any physical contact during trial proceedings.
          and  Administrative  Services  During  the  Prevention
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