Page 4 - Newsletter (VAT on Digital Goods and Services from Overseas and The Resuming of Trial Proceedings and Tax Court Services)
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DDTC Newsletter Vol.03 |  No.11  I  May 2020                                                Page 4 of 7

          VAT on Digital Goods and Services from Overseas and
          The Resuming of Trial Proceedings and Tax Court Services

          As is known, Perppu No. 1/2020 also stipulates 4     (SOEs)  and/or  through  designated  SOEs.  PMN  is
          taxation policies. First, the adjustments to income   intended to improve the capital structure of SOEs and/
          tax  rates  of  domestic  corporate  taxpayers  and   or SOE subsidiaries affected by Covid-19 and enhance
          permanent  establishments  (Bentuk  Usaha Tetap/     the business capacity of SOEs and/or SOE subsidiaries.
          BUT).  Second,  tax  treatment  on trading through   Second, the placement of funds. To implement the PEN
          electronic  systems  (Perdagangan  Melalui Sistem    program, the government may place funds to provide

          Elektronik/PMSE).  Third,  the extension of the      liquidity  support  to  banks  that  carry  out  credit/
          implementation  of  tax  rights  and  fulfillment  of  tax   financing  restructuring  and/or  provide  additional
          obligations.  Fourth,  the  granting  of  authority  to  the   credit/working capital financing.
          Minister of Finance to grant customs facilities in the
                                                               Funds are placed in participating banks. Participating
          form of exemption or relief of import duties to address
                                                               banks are to meet several  criteria, including: a
          the force majeure, recover, and strengthen the national
                                                               commercial bank that is an Indonesian legal entity and
                                                               at  least  51%  of  its  shares  are  owned  by  Indonesian
                                                               citizens, banks categorized as healthy, and is among
          Implementing  Regulation  for  the                   15 banks with the largest assets.
          National Economic Recovery Program                   Third,  government  investment.  In  implementing  the
                                                               PEN program, the government may make government
          The government has issued implementing regulation    investments. Fourth, to implement the PEN program,
          for  the  national  economic  recovery  program.  These   the  government  may  provide  guarantees.  The
          provisions  are  stipulated  Government  Regulation   guarantee may be provided directly by the government
          No.  23/2020  concerning  the  Implementation  of  the   and/or through the appointed guaranteeing business
          National Economic Recovery Program in the Context    entity.
          of Supporting State Financial Policies to Address the
                                                               Fifth,  policy  through  state  expenditure.  The  PEN
          2019  Corona  Virus  Disease  (Covid-19)  Pandemic
                                                               program through state expenditure includes but is not
          and/or  to  Counter  Threats  that  Harm  the  National
                                                               limited to the provision of interest subsidies to eligible
          Economy and/or Financial System Stability and Saving
                                                               banking debtors, finance companies, and institutions
          the  National  Economy  (Gov.  Reg.  23/2020).  This
                                                               channeling government credit programs.
          regulation  serves  as  an  implementing  regulation  of
          Article 11 paragraph (7) of Perppu No. 1/2020.       The  aforementioned  banking  debtor  and  finance
          The national economic recovery program (Pemulihan    companies must meet several requirements, i.e. being
                                                               a  micro business, small  business,  medium business,
          Ekonomi Nasional/PEN) aims to protect, maintain, and
                                                               and/or  cooperative  with  the  highest  credit  ceiling
          enhance the economic capacity of business players in   of  Rp  10,000,000,000,  not  on  the  national  blacklist,
          doing business. This program is implemented under    included  in  the  current  performing  loan  category,
          the following principles.                            and having a taxpayer identification number (Nomor
           i.   The principle of social justice;               Pokok Wajib Pajak/NPWP).
           ii.   The greatest prosperity of the people;        To finance the PEN program, the government may issue
                                                               government securities (Surat Berharga Negara/SBN)
          iii.   Supporting business players;
                                                               purchased by Bank Indonesia on the primary market.
          iv.   Applying  the  prudence  principle  to  policies,   The  Minister  who  carries  out  government  affairs  in
                as well as good, transparent, accelerated, fair,   the  financial  sector  is  in  charge  of  supervising  and
                and accountable governance as per statutory    evaluating  the  implementation  of  the  PEN  program.
                provisions;                                    Supervision  and  evaluation  include  monitoring,
                                                               evaluation, and control. The evaluation results of the
           v.   Not causing moral hazard; and
                                                               implementation  of  the  PEN  program  will  later  be
          vi.   Distributing  costs   and   risks   among      reported to the president.
                stakeholders  according  to  their  respective
                duties and authorities.
          The  government  may  implement  the  PEN  through
          several  measures.  First,  state  equity  participation
          (Penyertaan Modal Negara/PMN).  The  government
          may  implement  PMN  on  State-Owned  Enterprises
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